Field Detail
name = "Minimize button",
description = "Hide 'Minimize' Button",
type = SettingType.BOOLEAN,
isGroupStater = true,
defaultValue = "true"
public java.lang.String HIDE_MINIMIZE_BUTTON
name = "Undock button",
description = "Hide 'Undock' Button",
type = SettingType.BOOLEAN,
defaultValue = "true"
public java.lang.String HIDE_UNDOCK_BUTTON
name = "Tab sizing policy",
description = "Keep the same tab size in the selected and unselected state",
type = SettingType.BOOLEAN,
defaultValue = "true"
public java.lang.String TAB_SIZE_POLICY
name = "Workspace type",
description = "sets the way the workspace displays editors",
type = SettingType.ENUMERATION,
values = {
public java.lang.String WORKSPACE_TYPE
public java.lang.String WORKSPACE_TYPE_DEFAULT_VALUE
public java.lang.String WORKSPACE_TYPE_SINGLE
public java.lang.String WORKSPACE_TYPE_TABBED
- Summary:
Nested - Field
ReadyAPI functional (soapui) SDK 3.20.1