Releases View

Applies to QAComplete 14.2 SaaS, last modified on February 09, 2024


Contains detailed information on releases, iterations, and builds of all the projects.



ActFinish  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date when the work on the item actually completed.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

ActHrs  :  decimal (max 21 decimal digits), allows null: yes

The actual number of hours spent on the item.

ActStart  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date when the work on the item actually started.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

AssignedToName  :  varchar (max 78 chars), allows null: yes

The name of the user to whom the associated item is assigned, in the Last name, First name format.

AssigneeUserId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the user to whom the item is assigned.

CreateUserId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the user who created the item.

Custom1..Custom10  :  nvarchar (max), allows null: yes

The values of custom fields 1 - 10.

These columns correspond to fields that can be available for Rich Text Feature.

Custom11..Custom90  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: yes

The values of custom fields 11 through 90.

DateCreated  :  datetime, allows null: no

The date and time the item was created.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

DateLastEscalated  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date when the associated item was last affected by an escalation rule.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

DateUpdated  :  datetime, allows null: no, default: Current date and time

The date and time the item was last updated.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

Description  :  nvarchar (max), allows null: yes

The description of the item.

This column corresponds to a field that can be available for Rich Text Feature.

EstFinishDate  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date the work on the item is estimated to start.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

EstHrs  :  decimal (max 21 decimal digits), allows null: yes

The estimated number of hours to complete the item.

EstHrsRemaining  :  decimal (max 21 decimal digits), allows null: yes

The estimated number of hours remaining to complete the item.

EstStartDate  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date and time the work on the item is estimated to start.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

FolderId  :  int, allows null: yes, default: auto filled

The ID of the folder where the item is located.

FolderName  :  varchar (max 511 chars), allows null: yes

The name of the folder where the associated item is located.

FullReleaseName  :  nvarchar (max 302 chars, or 606 bytes), allows null: yes

The full name of the release, iteration, or build in the <Release title>[/<Iteration title>][/<Build title>] format.

FullReleaseNameWithFolder  :  nvarchar (max 815 chars, or 1632 bytes), allows null: yes

The full name of the release, iteration, or build with the name of the folder that contains the item, in the <Folder name>: <Release title>[/<Iteration title>][/<Build title>] format.

Id  :  int, allows null: no, default: auto generated

The unique numeric identifier of the item.

ImportId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the imported batch in which the item was imported.

IsActive  :  nvarchar (max 1 char, or 4 bytes), allows null: no

Indicates whether the release is active.

IsAutoAdjustEstDates  :  nvarchar (max 1 char, or 4 bytes), allows null: no

Indicates whether the estimated start and finish dates are adjusted automatically.

LastEscalationRule  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: yes

The name of the escalation rule that last affected the associated item.

LastEscalationRuleId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the escalation rule that last affected the associated item.

LinkNbr  :  int, allows null: yes

The number of links in the release, iteration, or build and in its children.

NbrBuilds  :  int, allows null: no

The number of release builds.

NbrDefects  :  int, allows null: no

The number of defects linked to the item.

NbrEscalations  :  int, allows null: no

The number of times an escalation rule affected the item.

NbrFiles  :  int, allows null: yes

The number of files attached to the associated item.

NbrFilesNotSecured  :  int, allows null: yes

The column is reserved for system use only.

NbrIterations  :  int, allows null: no

The number of release iterations.

NbrLinkedTests  :  int, allows null: no

The number of tests linked to the item.

NbrNotes  :  int, allows null: yes

The number of notes attached to the associated item.

NbrProjectPlans  :  int, allows null: no

The number of project plans linked to the item.

NbrProjectPlanTasks  :  int, allows null: no

The number of tasks in the related project plans.

NbrQuickTasks  :  int, allows null: no

The number of agile tasks linked to the item.

NbrRequirements  :  int, allows null: no

The number of requirements linked to the item.

NbrTestCases  :  int, allows null: no, default: 0

The column is reserved for system use only.

NbrTests  :  int, allows null: no

The number of tests linked to the related requirements.

NbrTestSets  :  int, allows null: no

The number of test sets linked to the item.

NotesDescription  :  varchar (max), allows null: yes

An alias for the LatestNotes column of the ExtendedAttributes table.

A description of the latest note attached to the associated item.

OwnerName  :  varchar (max 78 chars), allows null: yes

The name of the user who owns the associated item, in the Last name, First name format.

OwnerUserId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the user who created the item.

ParentId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the item’s parent release or iteration.

ParentName  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: no

The name of the parent iteration of release.

ParentSeqNum  :  int, allows null: yes

The ordinal number of the parent among its siblings.

PctComplete  :  int, allows null: yes

The percentage of item completion.

QAComplete calculates this value using information on posted hours stored in the linked project plan tasks, agile tasks, defects and requirements.

ProjectedVarianceHrs  :  decimal (max 26 decimal digits), allows null: yes

The projected hours variance.

ProjectedVariancePct  :  int, allows null: yes

The projected percent variance.

ProjId  :  int, allows null: no, default: auto filled

The ID of the project that contains the item.

ReleaseId  :  int, allows null: no

The ID of the top level release in the hierarchy.

ReleaseName  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: no

The name of the top level release in the hierarchy.

ReleaseType  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: no

The type of the item (Release, Iteration, or Build).

SeqNum  :  int, allows null: no, default: 0

The ordinal number of the item among its siblings.

StatusCode  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: no

The status of the item based on the choice list. The values of the choice list are stored in the Validations Table table. They correspond to the items whose values equal ReleaseStatus in the ValidationType column.

TestRunNbr  :  int, allows null: yes

The number of test runs related to a release, iteration, or build and to its children.

Title  :  nvarchar (max 255 chars, or 512 bytes), allows null: no

The title of the release.

UpdateUserId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the user who last updated the item.

UserName  :  varchar (max 78 chars), allows null: yes

The name of the user who last updated the associated item, in the Last name, First name format.

See Also

Releases Table

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