TestRunsAdHoc View

Applies to QAComplete 12.71 SaaS & On-Premises, last modified on April 26, 2021


Contains a detailed history of test set runs.



Agents  :  nvarchar (max 2000 chars, or 4002 bytes), allows null: yes

Indicates the agent that was used for automated tests.

ConfigurationName  :  nvarchar (max 255 chars, or 512 bytes), allows null: no

The name of the test configuration.

DateFinished  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date and time when the run finished.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

DateStarted  :  datetime, allows null: no

The date and time when the run started.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

ExecutionType  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: no

The type of the test run.

IsSequential  :  nvarchar (max 1 char, or 4 bytes), allows null: no

Indicates whether the test must be run in the order specified in the related test set.

NbrAwaitingRun  :  int, allows null: yes

The number of tests awaiting run.

NbrBlocked  :  int, allows null: yes

The number of tests that were blocked.

NbrFailed  :  int, allows null: yes

The number of failed tests.

NbrPassed  :  int, allows null: yes

The number of passed tests.

NbrTests  :  int, allows null: yes

The total number of tests in the related test set.

ProjId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the project that contains the item.

ProjName  :  varchar (max 50 chars), allows null: no

The name of the project.

ReleaseId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the related release, iteration or build.

ReleaseName  :  nvarchar (max 815 chars, or 1632 bytes), allows null: yes

The full name of the related release, iteration, or build.

RunByHostId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the test host used for automated tests.

RunByUserId  :  int, allows null: no

The ID of the user who performed the run.

RunByUserName  :  varchar (max 78 chars), allows null: no

An alias for the PersonName column of the Persons view.

The name of the user, in the Last name, First name format.

RunTime  :  int, allows null: yes

The time it took to run the test set, in seconds.

RunTimeFormated  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: yes

The time it took to run the test set, in the hh:mm:ss format.

ScheduleId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the schedule that initiated the automated run.

StatusCode  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: no

The status of the test run (Passed, Failed, Awaiting Run, and so on).

TestAssignedToName  :  varchar (max 78 chars), allows null: yes

The name of the user to whom the test version was assigned.

TestAssigneeUserId  :  int, allows null: yes

An alias for the AssigneeUserId column of the TestVersionHistory table.

The ID of the user to whom the test version is assigned.

TestConfigId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the test configuration that was used for the test run.

TestDateCreated  :  datetime, allows null: no, default: Current date and time

An alias for the DateCreated column of the TestVersionHistory table.

The date and time the test was created.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

TestDateUpdated  :  datetime, allows null: no, default: Current date and time

An alias for the DateUpdated column of the TestVersionHistory table.

The date and time the test version was last updated.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

TestDescription  :  nvarchar (max), allows null: yes

An alias for the Description column of the TestVersionHistory table.

The description of the test version.

This column corresponds to a field that can be available for Rich Text Feature.

TestExecutionType  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: yes

An alias for the ExecutionType column of the TestVersionHistory table.

The type of the test version run based on the choice list. The values of this choice list are stored in the Validations Table table. They correspond to the items whose values equal TestExecutionType in the ValidationType column.

TestHost  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: no

An alias for the HostName column of the TestHosts table.

The name of the test host.

TestImportId  :  int, allows null: yes

An alias for the ImportId column of the TestVersionHistory table.

The ID of the imported batch in which the test was imported.

TestIsActive  :  nvarchar (max 1 char, or 4 bytes), allows null: no, default: Y

An alias for the IsActive column of the TestVersionHistory table.

Indicates whether the test version is active.

TestNbrSteps  :  int, allows null: yes

An alias for the NbrSteps column of the TestVersionHistory view.

The number of steps in this test version.

TestNbrTimesRun  :  int, allows null: no

An alias for the NbrTimesRun column of the TestVersionHistory view.

The number of times this test version was run.

TestNotesDescription  :  varchar (max), allows null: yes

An alias for the LatestNotes column of the ExtendedAttributes table.

A description of the latest note attached to the associated item.

TestOriginalId  :  int, allows null: yes

An alias for the OriginalId column of the TestVersionHistory table.

The column is reserved for system use only.

TestOwnerId  :  int, allows null: yes

An alias for the CreateUserId column of the TestVersionHistory table.

The ID of the user who created the test.

TestOwnerName  :  varchar (max 78 chars), allows null: yes

The name of the user who owns the related test version, in the Last name, First name format.

TestPriority  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: yes

An alias for the Priority column of the TestVersionHistory table.

The priority of the test version based on the choice list. The values of this choice list are stored in the Validations Table table. They correspond to the items whose values equal TestPriority in the ValidationType column.

TestRunId  :  int, allows null: no

The unique numeric identifier of the item.

TestRunItemDateFinished  :  datetime, allows null: yes

An alias for the DateFinished column of the TestRunItems table.

Date and time when the test run finished.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

TestRunItemDateStarted  :  datetime, allows null: yes

An alias for the DateStarted column of the TestRunItems table.

The date and time when the test run started.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

TestRunItemIsStoppedOnFail  :  nvarchar (max 1 char, or 4 bytes), allows null: no

An alias for the IsStoppedOnFail column of the TestRunItems table.

Indicates whether the test execution stops when the related test fails.

TestRunItemIsTokenized  :  nvarchar (max 1 char, or 4 bytes), allows null: no, default: N

An alias for the IsTokenized column of the Tests table.

Indicates whether the test uses token values.

TestRunItemIterationCnt  :  int, allows null: yes

An alias for the IterationCnt column of the TestRunItems table.

If the related test is tokenized, IterationCnt shows the total number of test iterations.

TestRunItemLastRunByName  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: yes

An alias for the LastRunByName column of the TestStats table.

The name of the user who last ran the test, in the Last name, First name format.

TestRunItemLastRunDate  :  datetime, allows null: yes

An alias for the LastRunDate column of the TestStats table.

The date and time when the test was last run.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

TestRunItemRunTime  :  int, allows null: yes

An alias for the RunTime column of the TestRunItems table.

The time spent on executing the test run item, in seconds.

TestRunItemRunTimeFormated  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: yes

An alias for the RunTimeFormated column of the TestRunItems view.

The time spent on executing the test run item, in the hh:mm:ss format.

TestRunItemSeq  :  int, allows null: no

An alias for the Seq column of the TestRunItems table.

The ordinal number of the test run item in the test run.

TestRunItemStatusCode  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: no

An alias for the StatusCode column of the TestRunItems table.

The status of the test run item (Passed, Failed, and so on).

TestRunItemTestDescription  :  nvarchar (max), allows null: yes

An alias for the Description column of the Tests table.

The description of the test.

This column corresponds to a field that can be available for Rich Text Feature.

TestRunItemTestId  :  int, allows null: yes

An alias for the TestId column of the TestRunItems table.

The ID of the related test.

TestRunItemTestName  :  nvarchar (max 167 chars, or 336 bytes), allows null: yes

An alias for the TestName column of the TestRunItems view.

The name of the related test. For tokenized tests, it contains information on test iterations.

TestRunItemVersion  :  int, allows null: yes

An alias for the Version column of the TestRunItems table.

The version of the related test.

TestRunResultActualResult  :  int, allows null: yes

The column is reserved for system use only.

TestRunResultExpectedResult  :  int, allows null: yes

The column is reserved for system use only.

TestRunResultId  :  int, allows null: no

An alias for the TestRunItemId column of the TestRunItems table.

The unique numeric identifier of the test run item.

TestRunResultIsCritical  :  int, allows null: yes

The column is reserved for system use only.

TestRunResultIsStoppedOnFail  :  int, allows null: yes

The column is reserved for system use only.

TestRunResultStatusCode  :  int, allows null: yes

The column is reserved for system use only.

TestRunResultStep  :  int, allows null: yes

The column is reserved for system use only.

TestSetAssignedToName  :  varchar (max 78 chars), allows null: yes

An alias for the AssignedToName column of the ExtendedAttributes table.

The name of the user to whom the associated item is assigned, in the Last name, First name format.

TestSetAvgRunTimeFormated  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: yes

An alias for the AvgRunTimeFormated column of the TestSets view.

The test set’s average run time, in the hh:mm:ss format.

TestSetDateCreated  :  datetime, allows null: no

An alias for the DateCreated column of the TestSets table.

The date and time when the test set was created.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

TestSetDateUpdated  :  datetime, allows null: no

An alias for the DateUpdated column of the TestSets table.

The date and time when the item was last updated.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

TestSetDescription  :  nvarchar (max), allows null: yes

An alias for the Description column of the TestSets table.

The description of the test set.

This column corresponds to a field that can be available for Rich Text Feature.

TestSetExecutionType  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: no

An alias for the ExecutionType column of the TestSets table.

The type of the test set based on the choice list. The values of this choice list are stored in the Validations Table table. They correspond to the items whose values equal TestSetExecutionType in the ValidationType column.

TestSetFolderName  :  varchar (max 511 chars), allows null: yes

An alias for the FolderName column of the ExtendedAttributes table.

The name of the folder where the associated item is located.

TestSetId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the related test set.

TestSetImportId  :  int, allows null: yes

An alias for the ImportId column of the TestSets table.

This column is not used.

TestSetIsActive  :  nvarchar (max 1 char, or 4 bytes), allows null: no

An alias for the IsActive column of the TestSets table.

Indicates whether the test set is active.

TestSetName  :  nvarchar (max 255 chars, or 512 bytes), allows null: no

An alias for the Title column of the TestSets table.

The title of the test set.

TestSetNbrTimesRun  :  int, allows null: no

An alias for the NbrTimesRun column of the TestSets view.

The number of times the test set was run.

TestSetOriginalId  :  int, allows null: yes

An alias for the OriginalId column of the TestSets table.

The column is reserved for system use only.

TestSetOwnerName  :  varchar (max 78 chars), allows null: yes

An alias for the OwnerName column of the ExtendedAttributes table.

The name of the user who owns the associated item, in the Last name, First name format.

TestSetPriorityCode  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: yes

An alias for the PriorityCode column of the TestSets table.

The priority of the test set based on the choice list. The values of this choice list are stored in the Validations Table table. They correspond to the items whose values equal TestSetPriority in the ValidationType column.

TestSetStatusCode  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: no

An alias for the StatusCode column of the TestSets table.

The status of the test set based on the choice list. The values of this choice list are stored in the Validations Table table. They correspond to the items whose values equal TestSetStatus in the ValidationType column.

TestSetUserName  :  varchar (max 78 chars), allows null: yes

An alias for the UserName column of the ExtendedAttributes table.

The name of the user who last updated the associated item, in the Last name, First name format.

TestStatusCode  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: no

An alias for the StatusCode column of the TestVersionHistory table.

The status of the test version based on the choice list. The values of this choice list are stored in the Validations Table table. They correspond to the items whose values equal TestStatus in the ValidationType column.

TestTestType  :  nvarchar (max 100 chars, or 202 bytes), allows null: yes

An alias for the TestType column of the TestVersionHistory table.

The type of the test version based on the choice list. The values of this choice list are stored in the Validations Table table. They correspond to the items whose values equal TestTestType in the ValidationType column.

TestUserId  :  int, allows null: no

An alias for the UpdateUserId column of the TestVersionHistory table.

The ID of the user who last updated the test version.

TestUserName  :  varchar (max 78 chars), allows null: yes

The name of the user who last updated the test set before the related run was performed.

See Also

TestRuns Table
TestRuns View
Test Management

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