Work Time and Hourly Rates

Applies to QAComplete�14.4, last modified on June 20, 2024

To set the working hours, billing rates, holidays, and vacations for a resource, click the Work Time button at the Project Management toolbar. You can set up work days, hours, rates, and non-work days for your team member.

Hierarchical View: Work Time

Click the image to enlarge it.

On the Resource Working Time screen, you can set up work days, hours, rates, and non-work days for one or all team members.

The Resource Working Time screen

Click the image to enlarge it.

These hourly rates are used to calculate costs on the project plan tasks.

Post hours

Once tasks are added to the project plan, the project manager can level resources, set assignment information, set predecessors, and so on. As team members work on items associated with the requirement, they can edit the specification:

  • Go to Project Masngement > My Hours to enter the hours they worked on the item.

  • Click Post My Hours on the toolbar and select the Date Worked, Project Plan / Task, and specify a value for Hours Worked and either Hours Remaining or Percent Complete.

    The Post My Hours screen

    Click the image to enlarge it.

Based on a security group setting, project managers can view, edit and post time for team members by clicking the My Hours link.

Team member hours

Click the image to enlarge it.

After you select a user, you can edit existing work hours or post new work hours.

See Also

Project Management
Project Plans

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