Features Added to QAComplete 12.51, June 2020

Applies to QAComplete 14.1 SaaS, last modified on June 20, 2024

SaaS 12.51

  • List items can now be linked to Test Sets and Release items.

  • The new Import Profile combo box in System Configuration > System Options helps you quickly choose an import profile for tests.

  • A new REST API operation to get the history of an item: GET /projects/{ProjectId}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/audits.

  • You can now export a list of releases, agile tasks, requirements or other items to an XML file.

  • Use the new N/A test run status to indicate that the status is undefined.

  • Images inserted into the rich text editor are now stored as links to the image files.

  • A number of bugs reported by our customers have been fixed.

See Also

Bug Fixes in QAComplete 12.51 - June 10, 2020
Version History

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