Bug Fixes in QAComplete 11.8 - Build 11.8.1483 - May 27, 2018

Applies to QAComplete 14.1 SaaS, last modified on June 20, 2024
Id Functional Area Summary
QAC-7811 Active Directory integration Fixed: In some cases, QAComplete was not allowing a user to log in if that account had been created automatically after authenticating with Active Directory.
QAC-4475 Attachments Fixed: Sometimes, QAComplete was not allowing to download the attachments the names of which contained special characters.
QAC-8422 Attachments Fixed: In Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, while on the Files tab of the Edit form of any item, if a user had used the Open option for a Microsoft Office file instead of Download, the name of the file was changed to Download.
QAC-2509 Custom fields Improvement: If a custom field requires a selection from a choice list, an empty value now can be deleted from the list of possible values.
QAC-5330 Custom fields Fixed: Sometimes, custom fields were not available for the grouping functionality.
QAC-4283 Dashboards Fixed: Dashboards were not displaying the user-defined colors of segments properly.
QAC-4888 Dashboards Fixed: On dashboards, the item status colors were different from those in other locations in QAComplete.
QAC-9317 Dashboards Fixed: In some cases, if a user had edited a filter named (Grouping Filter) on the item screen, which had dashboard charts associated with it, these dashboards were appearing empty.
QAC-3015 Email alerts Fixed: For items created with REST operations, the Take me there link did not appear in the email alerts.
QAC-7746 Email alerts Improvement: Links referring to QAComplete items in notification emails now do not require a user to log in before accessing these items.
QAC-8570 Email alerts Fixed: Sometimes, the notification emails were not containing the name of a user who had applied changes in the From field.
QAC-3582 Escalation rules Fixed: QAComplete did not replace the {Est Finish Date} tag with the appropriate date.
QAC-5894 Escalation rules Fixed: Escalation rules that set the status of an item to Closed did not properly update the value of the Data Closed field.
QAC-6848 Escalation rules Fixed: In some cases, QAComplete did not send notification emails properly when an escalation rule applied some changes to an item.
QAC-5500 Fast Edit Fixed: When a user had used Fast Edit to replace some text in multiple items with the HTML entity, QAComplete was not converting this entity to the proper character.
QAC-4052 Filters Fixed: The filter functionality was not initialized properly for a new user, so they were not able to remove the filtration after grouping or opening a specific folder.
QAC-1956 Import and export Fixed: After an imported test had been added to some test set, a user was not able to delete an imported batch in  > Setup.
Import and export Improvement: When a user tries to import an invalid CSV file, a more descriptive error message appears.
QAC-2560 Import and export Fixed: After a user had imported a test, test versioning was not triggered. QAComplete did not treat an imported test as the first version.
QAC-2561 Import and export Fixed: After a user had imported a test, test versioning was not triggered, even if the Version column and some values in it were present in the CSV file used for import.
QAC-8847 Import and export Fixed: In exported CSV files, the date values did not have the unified format.
QAC-8894 Import and export Fixed: Sometimes, when a user had imported an item from CSV with a multi-select custom field configured for that item type, a wrong value was appearing in the imported item.
QAC-8965 Import and export Fixed: When a user imported defects from a CSV file, a username did not appear in the Resolved By and Date Closed fields even if these were present in the source file.
JIRA integration Improvement: QAComplete now properly handles the situations when a user changes the item type in JIRA. For example, for the established QAComplete Defect – JIRA Bug synchronization, if a user changes the JIRA Bug type to Task, the synchronized defect will be deleted from QAComplete.
QAC-8606 JIRA integration Fixed: Text in bold markup from JIRA was not properly displayed in QAComplete items if enclosed in double quotes.
QAC-8627 JIRA integration Fixed: Sometimes, the name of the synchronized QAComplete project was not appearing in the title of the JIRA item after the synchronization.
QAC-8718 JIRA integration Fixed: When a user had created a custom field with the wiki markup in JIRA, the synchronized QAComplete item was not properly formatted after the initial synchronization.
QAC-8737 JIRA integration Fixed: Text with the strikethrough formatting was not properly synchronized from JIRA to QAComplete.
QAC-8742 JIRA integration Fixed: Text within the {code} and noformat tags was not properly synchronized from JIRA to QAComplete.
QAC-8743 JIRA integration Fixed: Text within the {color} tags was not properly synchronized from JIRA to QAComplete.
QAC-8746 JIRA integration Fixed: Hyperlinks with no text were not properly synchronized from JIRA to QAComplete.
QAC-8849 JIRA integration Fixed: Sometimes, the JIRA custom field values were not available in mapping for the LookupArray field type.
QAC-8911 JIRA integration Fixed: In some cases, performance issues occurred, when the Not all field values were mapped message appeared.
QAC-8948 JIRA integration Fixed: Sometimes, the synchronized items were not displayed on the Team Task Board screen.
QAC-3637 Linked items Fixed: It was impossible to link more than 1000 items to a specific item.
QAC-3638 Linked items Fixed: When a user had tried to link a huge amount of items to an item, an error was appearing.
QAC-3735 Linked items Fixed: In some cases, when a user had tried to link a multitude of items to a release on the Traceability screen, the screen was not updated properly, forcing the user to create the links once again.
QAC-8580 Linked items Fixed: When a huge amount of items had been linked to a specific item, QAComplete was showing this amount properly on the item list screen, while only 25 of linked items were appearing on the Edit form.
QAC-8861 Linked items Fixed: Sometimes, a release was not appearing in the linked items panel even if the Remember last selected linked item option was enabled in  > Setup.
QAC-7867 Lists Fixed: When a user had tried to use a quick link to access some item of the list with the wrong item ID specified in the quick link, QAComplete was still showing the list, with all fields displayed as undefined.
QAC-2328 Miscellaneous Fixed: When a user was pressing Ctrl+B in Firefox while editing the Description field of a test, the browser’s bookmarks panel appeared.
QAC-2722 New UI Fixed: In Google Chrome, when a user was trying to increase the size of the text in Rich Text editors using the Grow Text button, it was not triggered on the second and subsequent attempts.
QAC-8451 New UI Fixed: Drop-down lists on the Edit forms were opening too slowly.
QAC-8579 New UI Fixed: If a user had tried to create links between a huge amount of items in the Link to Item dialog, the Save and Cancel buttons were unavailable.
QAC-8619 New UI Fixed: The formatting of text in Rich Text fields was changing if a user had tried to move the mouse cursor over these.
QAC-8664 New UI Fixed: In some time zones, QAComplete saved the values of the Date fields improperly, moving them to a preceding date.
QAC-8798 New UI Fixed: In Rich Text fields, tags were disappearing if a user had closed an Edit form for an item and then had opened it again.
QAC-8879 New UI Fixed: Sometimes, if an item’s field value was ending with the &# characters, QAComplete was not able to open the screen containing the field in question.
QAC-8934 New UI Fixed: If a user had viewed an attachment, a record about this was not appearing on the History tab of the Edit form for the item.
QAC-8979 New UI Fixed: If a user had applied some changes to the screen layout in  > Setup, the item list screen was reset to default.
QAC-9045 New UI Fixed: The incorrectly working Number of {item type} field (as in Number of linked Defects) was removed from the selection on the Manage Filters dialog.
QAC-9240 New UI Fixed: When a user had configured QAComplete to treat a checkbox as a required field and then had removed a selection from the checkbox in question, a confusing error message was appearing.
QAC-8727 Notes Fixed: It was impossible to create notes longer than 200 000 characters long.
QAC-1201 On-premises Fixed: In all registry records, support emails had the @pragmaticsw.com domain. It was replaced with @qacomplete.com.
QAC-3482 On-premises Fixed: If the website location on the server machine was not default, a user was not able to properly install QAComplete.
QAC-8834 On-premises Fixed: If the WebDAV Publishing role had been installed on the server, and a user was trying to open the Choose Fields dialog, an error was occurring.
QAC-9247 On-premises Fixed: A confusing message was appearing if a user was trying to install QAComplete on the server machine with no WebSocket Protocol enabled.
QAC-8836 On-premises Fixed: A slash was missing in the ReportViewUrl registry key.
QAC-8692 Releases        Fixed: In Internet Explorer, sometimes, an error was occurring when a user was trying to expand the release that contained child items.      
QAC-8715 Releases Fixed: Sometimes, the % Complete field on the Releases screen was not showing actual data.
QAC-8946 Releases Fixed: The option to hide inactive items from the Releases screen did not work.
QAC-8963 Releases Fixed: An error message was appearing if a user had removed the Est Start Date and Est Finish Date fields from the Create and Edit forms, even if these fields were not marked as required.
QAC-3548 Reports Fixed: New ad hoc reports were not gathering information about links between items.
QAC-3600 Reports Fixed: When a user had selected an iteration in the Releases drop-down on the report generation screen, they were not able to switch the drop-down value to the parent release after that. Besides, when a release containing iterations was selected in the Releases drop-down, the last iteration of the release appeared on the generated report instead of the parent item.
QAC-8088 Reports Fixed: In legacy reports, it was impossible to filter items using the exact match for the folder name of the test set as a criterion.
QAC-8508 Reports Fixed: In daily summary reports, QAComplete sent information about inactive departments and projects.
QAC-8594 Reports Fixed: When a user had tried to generate a legacy test runs report for all projects while having a huge amount of projects, an error was occurring.
QAC-9106 Reports Fixed: Sometimes, the timestamps in the Test Runs report were not corresponding with a user’s time zone.
QAC-3433 Requirements Fixed: With the Ask to confirm updates when paging between items during edit option enabled in  > Setup, the dialog asking to confirm changes was appearing too frequently.
QAC-9221 Requirements Fixed: If a user had assigned the false value to a custom field, it was appearing with an empty value on the Requirements screen.
QAC-7860 Security Fixed: On the  > Setup > Automatic Backup Service screen, it was possible to retrieve a password to the backup file from the developer console of a browser.
QAC-8597 Security Fixed: With the Use stronger password option enabled, if a user was trying to change a password using a new password longer than 15 characters, a confusing error message was appearing, though the password was changed.
QAC-8680 Security Fixed: With certain permission configurations, a user with the Read permissions was not able to open the Test Runner.
QAC-8734 Security Improvement: An error message that appears when a user tries to log in, while all available user licenses are occupied, has a better description now.
QAC-8953 Security Fixed: After a user had opened a project, then logged out and logged in with a single sign-on account, the default project was appearing instead of the project the user had selected.
QAC-9057 Security Improvement: Security administrators can edit and delete any notes and attachments, while users are only able to edit and delete their notes and attachments.
QAC-2429 Test Library Fixed: Email notifications were not triggered if a user had modified test steps or expected results.
QAC-5463 Test Library Fixed: In some browsers, a user was not able to paste a value into the Description field after they had copied this value from the description of a test step using the internal browser means.
QAC-8426 Test Library Fixed: If a user had switched between projects and then opened another browser tab, on that tab, the first project appeared instead of the one the user had switched to.
QAC-9108 Test Library Fixed: In some cases, QAComplete was reducing the amount of displayed fields in the Test Library, forcing the user to configure the list of fields to display again.
QAC-9193 Test Library Fixed: Non-Unicode symbols were displayed incorrectly on the Steps tab of the Edit Test form.
Test Runner Fixed: When QAComplete converted descriptions of steps to show them in the Test Runner, the line breaks were removed erroneously.
QAC-8548 Test Runner Fixed: It was possible to edit test steps in the Test Runner even if a user had disabled this option in  > Setup.
QAC-8574 Test Runner Fixed: If a user had enabled the Rich Text editor in the Test Library, the Test Runner was asking the user to save changes applied to custom fields during the run, even if no changes had been applied.
QAC-8880 Test Runner Fixed: Sometimes, a message offering to update all active test runs was not appearing when a user had edited the test set during the run.
QAC-9068 Test Runner Fixed: The Save Changes dialog was appearing too frequently if the test was including custom fields.
QAC-9194 Test Runner Fixed: With the Rich Text formatting disabled, the Test Runner was showing character codes instead of Unicode symbols in test steps’ descriptions.
QAC-4129 Test Sets Fixed: In some cases, on the Run History and History tabs of the Edit Test Set form, the Title and Description field values were cropped incorrectly.
QAC-6378 Test Sets Fixed: It was impossible to create an empty test within the test set.
QAC-7675 Test Sets Fixed: If a user had added some tests to a new or existing test set and then switched to another test set using the navigation buttons, QAComplete was showing 0 instead of the proper serial number of the second test set.
QAC-8483 Test Sets Fixed: Sometimes, a user was not able to open the Test Sets screen due to query issues.
QAC-8646 Test Sets Fixed: If a user had tried to add a huge amount of tests to the test set that had active runs, a performance issue occurred.
QAC-7957 Workflows Fixed: In Defects, QAComplete was not treating the Latest Note field as required, even if the workflow had been configured to ask a user to fill in this field before saving a defect.
QAC-2241 Users Fixed: After a user had created a custom field with a choice list for user records, the choice list values were not available in any QAComplete projects.
QAC-2823 Users Fixed: When a security administrator was restoring a deleted user and changing a password for them, the user was becoming inactive again.
QAC-7158 Users Fixed: In some cases, when a user had tried to open a list of users on the Security Groups screen, an application error was occurring.

See Also

Bug Fixes in QAComplete 11.8 Patch - Build 11.8.1507 - June 09, 2018
Bug Fixes in QAComplete 11.8 Patch 2 - Build 11.8.1529 - August 06, 2018
Features Added to QAComplete 11.8, May 2018
Version History

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