Bug Fixes in QAComplete 11.8 Patch - Build 11.8.1507 - June 09, 2018

Applies to QAComplete 14.1 SaaS, last modified on June 20, 2024
Id Functional Area Summary
QAC-9408 Attachments Fixed: If a CSV file, which a user was trying to attach, contained a comma enclosed in quotation marks, it caused an upload error.
QAC-9490 Custom fields Fixed: On the item list screens, custom fields, which used a selection from a list of users as a value, did not show any data.
QAC-9517 Defects Fixed: In some cases, an error was appearing when a user was trying to open the Defects screen.
QAC-9449 Email alerts Fixed: The Take Me There link within email alerts led to the old UI Edit forms.
QAC-9432 Escalation rules Fixed: With escalation rules configured, QAComplete was sending notification emails even if no changes had been applied to items affected by these escalation rules.
QAC-9440 Escalation rules Fixed: It was impossible to edit a notification subject within an escalation rule due to unnecessary spaces appearing in the fields of the rule.
QAC-9450 Import and export Fixed: Line breaks were disappearing from a test’s fields when a user was trying to import that test in a CSV file.
QAC-9488 Import and export Fixed: An imported CSV file with tests did not contain information about steps of the tests, even if the Steps field had been selected for import.
QAC-9473 JIRA integration Fixed: In some cases, an error was appearing when a user was trying to open the Integrations screen due to the JIRA configuration’s specifics.
QAC-9360 New UI Fixed: The Create Test Set and Auto Create dialogs were unusable in the laptop display resolution (1366x768).
QAC-9396 New UI Fixed: When a user was moving the mouse cursor over the splitter line in the New UI, it disappeared.
QAC-9398 New UI Improvement: The minimal sidebar width has been slightly extended for more convenient usage.
QAC-9414 New UI Fixed: The tests counter for folders counted inactive items.
QAC-9415 New UI Improvement: The (All folders) option in the Folder navigation drop-down list now shows the total amount of items on the list screen.
QAC-9416 New UI Fixed: When a user applied some changes to an item on the Edit form and then switched to another item list screen without saving changes, a notification message did not appear.
QAC-9414 New UI Fixed: If a user removed the Active Test from the Create Test form and then tried to create a new test, QAComplete treated this test as inactive.
QAC-9418 New UI Fixed: On the item lists containing an extensive amount of items, an attempt to open the Recent Items list caused an error.
QAC-9427 New UI Fixed: If a user was trying to load an item list screen containing a huge amount of folders, QAComplete was failing to load.
QAC-9444 New UI Fixed: If a user was trying to create a folder using a name containing invalid characters, the error message appeared showing non-descriptive error information.
QAC-9466 New UI Fixed: Filtering conditions that used filtering by date worked incorrectly.
QAC-9185 On-premises Fixed: In some cases, the QAComplete on-premises users were unable to log in from a machine while already logged in from another machine.
QAC-9423 On-premises Fixed: In some cases, after the QAComplete update to 11.8, the & characters on item list screens were erroneously changed to &#38.
QAC-9461 Security Fixed: In some cases, an error message appeared when a user was trying to assign permissions to edit the project plans to another user account.
QAC-9478 Security Fixed: Multiple users could be mistakenly logged out from QAComplete at the same time due to an application error.
QAC-9417 Test Library Fixed: On the Steps tab of the Edit Test form, formatted text in fields within the Expected Result and Description columns appeared plain if the field in question was not being edited by a user.
QAC-9429 Test Library Fixed: In some cases, the changes a user had applied on the Steps tab of the Edit Test form was disappearing under certain circumstances.
QAC-9431 Test Library Fixed: In some cases, an attempt to open the Test Library caused an error.
QAC-9438 Test Library Fixed: In some cases, it was impossible to sort the item list by folders in the Test Library.
QAC-9442 Test Library Fixed: A low performance while opening the Test Library.
QAC-9467 Test Library Fixed: A low performance while filtering the list of tests.
QAC-9460 Test Library
Test sets
Fixed: The limit of characters for the Description field for tests and test sets was too short.
QAC-9476 Test Library
Test sets
Fixed: The filtering settings applied by a user were not saved if a user switched between screens.
QAC-9443 Test sets Fixed: In some cases, a user was unable to retrieve the list of tests within the test set on the Edit Test Set form.
QAC-9481 Test sets Fixed: The Last Run By column in the Test Runner did not contain any data, even if the data was present on the server.
QAC-9493 Test sets Fixed: On the Tests tab of the Edit Test Set form, if a user had used the navigation buttons to move between test sets, the confirmation to delete the dialog was not appearing when the user was clicking Delete Test.

See Also

Bug Fixes in QAComplete 11.8 Patch 2 - Build 11.8.1529 - August 06, 2018
Bug Fixes in QAComplete 11.8 - Build 11.8.1483 - May 27, 2018
Features Added to QAComplete 11.8, May 2018
Version History

Highlight search results