Bug Fixes in QAComplete 11.3 - Build 11.3.486 - January 20, 2017

Applies to QAComplete 14.1 SaaS, last modified on June 20, 2024
Id Functional Area Summary
QAC-4560 Attachments Fixed: QAComplete showed the 404 error when attaching a file exceeding the maximum allowed file size.
QAC-5028 Custom Fields Fixed: It was not possible to set the value of a custom field of the Numeric type to zero if the field had not been populated before.
QAC-4862 Escalation Rules Fixed: In escalation rules, the Contains and Does not Contain operations worked with null values incorrectly.
QAC-5139 Folders Fixed: An error occurred when copying and pasting the folder structure.
QAC-2091 Importing Fixed: When importing data from CSV files to a QAComplete screeen, double quotes were imported incorrectly if the Rich Text editor was disabled in that module.
QAC-4799 Installation Fixed: The product installation was failing if the default web site on the server was not configured to use port 80 for site binding.
QAC-4989 Legacy Reporting Fixed: The Test Coverage Run Details by Test Set report calculated the Skipped value incorrectly.
QAC-5013 Licensing Fixed: If the expiration date was missing in the license data, the data was not updated correctly when updating the license.
QAC-4763 On-Premises Fixed: If the AppCode parameter in the QAComplete login URL was set incorrectly, an error occurred and it was not possible to log in.
QAC-2975 Performance Fixed: It could take much time to change a security group of a user.
QAC-4903 Projects Fixed: The product could fail to create a project correctly and then was not able to access the created project.
QAC-4806 Quick Search Fixed: The Quick Search could throw an error when processing many items. Clearing the temporary filter could take much time.
QAC-4878 Reports, Test Runner Fixed: The Test Runner and test reports showed the Date Last Updated value incorrectly.
QAC-4709 REST API Fixed: The PATCH operation did not update custom fields starting from Custom11.
QAC-4264 Rich Text Editor Fixed: In Internet Explorer, when pasting text from Microsoft Excel to rich text editors in the product, the text formatting was lost.
QAC-2901 Rich Text Editor Fixed: In Rich Text editors, changes made while the Source Edit mode was active were not saved.
QAC-5061 Single Sign-On Fixed: Email alerts that the escalation rules were sending did not use the single sign-on URLs.
QAC-5109 Test Agent Fixed: If an account that the Test Agent used to access QAComplete did not have the Read privilege for test hosts, the Test Agent reported an error message that was not clear enough.
QAC-5068 Test Agent Fixed: When running a test set including automated tests, it was not possible to stop the test run.
QAC-4792 Test Management Fixed: It was impossible to edit tests from test sets: the test editor returned to the test list.
QAC-5134 Test Runner Fixed: The Test Runner did not show how many items of each type were linked to a test or a test set.
QAC-5133 Test Runner Fixed: The Test Runner did not show the ID of items linked to a test or a test set.
QAC-5125 Test Runner Fixed: Rich text edit fields of the Test Runner showed tables incorrectly.
QAC-5063 Test Runner Fixed: It was possible to change the status of individual test steps of a blocked test.
QAC-4922 Test Runner Fixed: When a test run was ended as Skipped, its status and the status of its steps were set incorrectly.
QAC-4921 Test Runner Fixed: When a test set run was ended as passed while having a blocked test, the status of the blocked test and the one of its steps were set incorrectly.
QAC-4912 Test Runner Fixed: In Firefox, an error occurred upon clicking the Pause Run button.
QAC-4907 Test Runner Fixed: The Test Runner could show the Auto Create Defect dialog several times for a failed test run.
QAC-4894 Test Runner Fixed: In Internet Explorer 10 and 11, the Auto Create Defect dialog could appear hidden underneath the Test Runner screen.
QAC-4890 Test Runner Fixed: The run time and the average run time of tests were calculated incorrectly.
QAC-4831 Test Runner Fixed: The Test Runner could show the Move to Next Test dialog even if the test run included a single test.
QAC-4798 Test Runner Fixed: If a test had many custom fields, all the custom fields and test steps could not fit the Test Runner screen and were inaccessible.
QAC-4796 Test Runner Fixed: The Test Runner could not end a test run correctly and was freezing if the step of the test had text in its Actual Result field.
QAC-4795 Test Runner Fixed: The End Test dialog could set the test status and statuses of its steps incorrectly.
QAC-4790 Test Runner Fixed: If a critical step of a test failed, other steps were marked as Failed instead of Blocked.
QAC-4789 Test Runner Fixed: In the Test Runner, when editing a test, the Save Test Step dialog could appear twice.
QAC-4781 Test Runner Fixed: The Pause button did not pause a test run.
QAC-4739 Test Runner Fixed: The End Test button was visible even after a test run was over.
QAC-4698 Test Runner Fixed: The Test Runner did not highlight the current test step on the list of steps in a test during a test run.
QAC-4696 Test Runner Fixed: In the Test Runner, when editing a test, it was not possible to insert links to a test step without specifying the text of the link.
QAC-4695 Test Runner Fixed: In Test Runner, when adding test steps, it was not possible to add a link to a test step, because the Insert Link dialog was not fitting the Test Runner screen and the buttons of the dialog were not accessible.
QAC-4612 Test Runner Fixed: The Test Runner did not support extended character sets.
Test Runner Fixed: In Internet Explorer 11, the Rich Text editor did not work in the Expected Result and Actual Result fields of the Test Runner.
QAC-4324 Test Runner Fixed: Rich Text fields of the Test Runner could render text incorrectly if the formatting tags were escaped.
QAC-4267 Test Runner Fixed: The Test Runner showed the Date Last Run, Date Started and Date Finished values incorrectly.
QAC-4070 Test Runner Fixed: It was not possible to resize columns in the Test Runner.
QAC-5215 Test Runner Fixed: Performance issues when updating test and test set parameters in the Test Runner.
QAC-5205 Tokenized Tests Fixed: If a test step was modified in a tokenized test during the test run, the token parameters could be overwritten by the token parameter values that were used last.

See Also

Features Added to QAComplete 11.3, January 2017
Version History

Highlight search results