Bug Fixes in QAComplete 11.1 Patch - Build 11.1.269 - July 28, 2016

Applies to QAComplete 14.1 SaaS, last modified on June 20, 2024
Id Functional Area Summary
QAC-4144 REST API Improved performance of the …/tests (GET) operation.
QAC-4126 Tests Improved performance of the Test Runner for test sets with a large number of tests (up to 100).
QAC-4137 Test Runner Improvement: The title of the step was removed from the test step screen. The description field has been made larger.
QAC-4142 Test Runner Fixed: In certain cases, the Test Runner updated the status of passed test steps incorrectly.
QAC-4152 Test Runner Fixed: The Test Runner suggested creating a defect multiple times for the same issue.
QAC-4160 Test Runner Fixed: If you pasted text into the Actual Results field of the test step, it was saved incorrectly.
QAC-4171 Test Runner Fixed: Sometimes, the Test Runner erased the values of custom fields after the test run.

See Also

Features Added to QAComplete 11.1, July 2016
Version History

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