Test Object

Applies to QAComplete 14.4, last modified on June 20, 2024
Since release 10.2, this functionality is obsolete and is supported for backward compatibility only. We recommend that you use QAComplete REST API to access and manage data in QAComplete.

A Test object represents a test in the Test Library in QAComplete. Using the QAComplete SOAP API, you can add, load, modify, and delete tests.

To manage tests in the Test Library, you need a user account that belongs to a security group that has the following privileges:

  • Read, Add, Update, and Delete for Test Library.

You can view and set privileges in  > Setup > Security > Security Group > Manage Security Rights.

A test consists of test steps that are represented by the TestStep objects. The TestId property of the object specifies the identifier of a test that contains the test step.


Custom1 … Custom10  :  string (max 8000 chars)

Values of custom fields 1 to 10.

Custom11 … Custom90  :  string (max 100 chars)

Values of custom fields 11 to 90.

CustomFieldName1 … CustomFieldName90  :  string (max 30 chars)

The names of custom fields.

CustomFields  :  array of strings

An array of custom field values.

CustomFieldNames  :  array of strings

An array of custom field names.

FolderName  :  string (max 511 chars)

The name of the folder to which the test belongs.

AssignedToName  :  string (max 78 chars)

The name of the user, to whom the test is assigned, in the Last name, First name format.

UserName  :  string (max 78 chars)

The name of the last user, who updated the test, in the Last name, First name format.

OwnerName  :  string (max 78 chars)

The name of the user, who owns the test, in the Last name, First name format.

LastRunByName  :  string (max 100 chars)

The name of the user who run the test last, in the Last name, First name format.

TestId  :  integer

The unique identifier of the test.

Version  :  integer

The version of the test.

ProjId  :  integer

The ID of the QAComplete project to which the test belongs.

FolderId  :  integer

The ID of the folder to which the test belongs.

Title  :  string (max 255 chars)

The title of the test.

IsActive  :  string (max 1 chars)

Specifies whether the test is enabled (active).

StatusCode  :  string (max 100 chars)

The status of the test. Possible values are based on the choice list.

ExecutionType  :  string (max 100 chars)

Specifies how the test will run. Possible values are based on the choice list. If no execution type is assigned, empty string.

TestType  :  string (max 100 chars)

Type of the test. Possible values are based on the choice list. If no type is assigned, empty string.

Priority  :  string (max 100 chars)

Specifies the test priority. Possible values are based on the choice list. If no priority is assigned, empty string.

Description  :  string (max 8000 chars)

The test description. Can include an HTML markup. If no description is specified, empty string.

DateCreated  :  dateTime

The date and time when the test was created.

DateUpdated  :  dateTime

The date and time when the test was last updated.

CreateUserId  :  integer

The ID of the user who created the test.

UpdateUserId  :  integer

The ID of the last user who updated the test.

AssigneeUserId  :  integer

The ID of the user to whom the test is assigned. 0 if the test is not assigned to anyone.

OwnerUserId  :  integer

The ID of the user who owns the test.

OriginalId  :  integer

The original ID of the test as it was specified in an external file before the test was imported to QAComplete. If the test was not imported, 0.

ImportId  :  integer

The ID of the operation that imported the test from an external file to the Test Library. If the test was not imported, is 0.

ScriptSourceId  :  integer


NbrFailStatus  :  integer

The number of times the test failed.

NbrPassStatus  :  integer

The number of times the test passed.

AvgRunTime  :  integer

The test’s average run time, in seconds.

AvgRunTimeFormated  :  string (max 100 chars)

The test’s average run time, in the hh:mm:ss format.

NbrTimesRun  :  integer

The number of times the test ran.

LastRunByUserId  :  integer

The ID of the user, who ran the test last.

LastRunTestSet  :  integer

The ID of the test set, as part of which the test ran last.

LastRunTestSetTitle  :  string (max 100 chars)

The name of the test set, as part of which the test ran last.

LastRunDate  :  dateTime

The date when the test ran last.

LastRunStatus  :  string (max 100 chars)

Specifies the status of the last test run.

NbrSteps  :  integer

The number of steps the test has.

NotesDescription  :  string (max 255 chars)

The latest note attached to the test. Can include HTML markup.

NbrEscalations  :  integer

The number of times the test was processed by escalation rules.

DateLastEscalated  :  dateTime

The date when the test was last processed by an escalation rule.

LastEscalationRuleId  :  integer

The ID of the escalation rule that processed the test last. 0 if no escalation rule processed the test.

LastEscalationRule  :  string (max 100 chars)

The name of the escalation rule that processed the test last.

NbrFilesNotSecured  :  integer


NbrFiles  :  integer

The number of files attached to the test.

NbrNotes  :  integer

The number of notes attached to the test.

NbrEvents  :  integer


ScriptName  :  string (max 255 chars)


Relevant Operations


  • Some string property values are based on choice lists defined in your QAComplete project. You can find these values in Test Management > Test Library >  Tools >  Manage Choice Lists.

  • Unassigned date/time values (for example, in DateUpdated) are represented as 0001-01-01T00:00:00.



  <AssignedToName>Doe, John</AssignedToName>
  <UserName>Doe, John</UserName>
  <OwnerName>Doe, John</OwnerName>
  <LastRunByName>Doe, John</LastRunByName>
  <Title>Test Input Controls</Title>
  <Description>Test input controls on the main form</Description>
  <LastEscalationRule>New tests, not updated for 2 days</LastEscalationRule>

See Also

Tests_Add Operation
Tests_Load Operation
Test Operations

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