TestStep Object

Applies to QAComplete 14.4, last modified on June 20, 2024

A TestStep object represents a step in a test in the QAComplete Test Library. Using the QAComplete SOAP API, you can add, load, modify, and delete steps in tests.

To manage test steps, you need a user account that belongs to a security group that has the following privileges:

  • Read and Update for Test Library.

You can view and set privileges in  > Setup > Security > Security Group > Manage Security Rights.


TestId  :  integer

The ID of the test to which the step belongs.

TestStepId  :  integer

The unique identifier of the step among other test steps in the Test Library.

Title  :  string (max 100 chars)

The title of the test to which the step belongs.

Seq  :  integer

The ordinal number of the step in the test. Default value: 0.

IsStoppedOnFail  :  string (max 1 char)

Specifies whether the test will stop if the step fails. Default value: N.

Step  :  string (max 8000 chars)

Describes instructions for a tester to follow during the step. Can include HTML markup.

ExpectedResults  :  string (max 8000 chars)

Describes the expected outcome of the actions a tester performs during the step. Can include HTML markup.

DateCreated  :  dateTime

The date when the step was created.

DateUpdated  :  dateTime

The date when the step was last modified.

CreateUserId  :  integer

The ID of the user who created the step.

UpdateUserId  :  integer

The ID of the last user who modified the test.

ScriptName  :  string (max 1 char)


NbrFiles  :  integer

The number of files attached to the step.

ScriptSourceId  :  integer


Relevant Operations


Unassigned date and time values (for example, in DateUpdated) are represented as 0001-01-01T00:00:00.



  <Title>Test Tools dialog</Title>
  <Step>Select Tools from the application's main menu.</Step>
  <ExpectedResult>The Tools dialog opens</ExpectedResult>

See Also

TestSteps_Add Operation
TestSteps_Load Operation
Test Step Operations

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