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WPFPattern Properties

The WPFPattern type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClrFullClassName
The full class name of the sought-for object. This name includes all the parent namespace names.
Public propertyEnabled
Specifies whether the sought-for control is enabled (true) or disabled (false). Disabled controls are typically displayed in grey.
(Inherited from ControlPattern.)
Public propertyUid
The Uid property (a unique identifier used for localization) of the sought-for object as it is specified in the application code.
Public propertyVisible
Specifies whether the sought-for controls are visible (a control may be out of the screen, but still visible).
(Inherited from ControlPattern.)
Public propertyWPFControlAutomationId
The AutomationProperties.AutomationId attached property (the UI Automation identifier) of the sought-for object as it is specified in the application code.
Public propertyWPFControlName
The name of the sought-for object as it is specified in the application's code. You can use wildcards (* or ?) or specify regular expressions (regexp:...).
Public propertyWPFControlOrdinalNo
The object's position in the parent object's collection of child objects. Use it to distinguish the objects that have the same class name and text. You can see the property value in the TestLeft UI Spy panel.
Public propertyWPFControlText
The text or title of the sought-for object. By default, TestLeft searches for the exact match. To mark variable parts, use wildcards (* or ?) or specify regular expressions (regexp:...).
See Also