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SmartBear.TestLeft.TestObjects.Win Namespace

This namespace contains information on test interfaces for standard Windows controls.

Public interfaceIWinButton
The test interface for Windows button controls.
Public interfaceIWinCheckBox
The test interface for Windows check box controls.
Public interfaceIWinComboBox
The test interface for Windows combo box controls.
Public interfaceIWinDateTimePicker
The test interface for Windows date time picker controls.
Public interfaceIWinHeader
The test interface for Windows header controls.
Public interfaceIWinHeaderItemFormat
The test interface for the header item format of Windows header controls.
Public interfaceIWinIPAddress
The test interface for Windows IP address controls.
Public interfaceIWinListBox
The test interface for Windows list box controls.
Public interfaceIWinListView
The test interface for Windows list view controls.
Public interfaceIWinListViewBackground
The test interface for background image object of Windows list view controls.
Public interfaceIWinListViewGroup
The test interface for group objects of Windows list view controls.
Public interfaceIWinListViewStyleEx
The test interface for objects that represent the extended style of Windows list view controls.
Public interfaceIWinMonthCalendar
The test interface for Windows month calendar controls.
Public interfaceIWinPager
The test interface for Windows pager controls.
Public interfaceIWinPagerButtonState
The test interface for helper objects that represent the state of buttons of Windows pager controls.
Public interfaceIWinRadioButton
The test interface for Windows radio button controls.
Public interfaceIWinStatusBar
The test interface for Windows status bar controls.
Public interfaceIWinSysLink
The test interface for Windows SysLink controls.
Public interfaceIWinSysLinkItem
The test interface for objects that represent links of Windows SysLink controls.
Public interfaceIWinTabControl
The test interface for Windows tab controls.
Public interfaceIWinTextEdit
The test interface for Windows edit controls.
Public interfaceIWinToolBar
The test interface for Windows toolbar controls.
Public interfaceIWinToolBarButtonsCollection<T>
The test interface for collections of toolbar items.
Public interfaceIWinToolBarButtonsCollection2<T>
The test interface for collections of toolbar items.
Public interfaceIWinTooltip
The test interface for Windows tooltip controls.
Public interfaceIWinTrackBar
The test interface for Windows trackbar controls.
Public interfaceIWinTreeView
The test interface for Windows tree view controls.
Public interfaceIWinTreeViewItem
The test interface for item objects of Windows tree view controls.
Public interfaceIWinUpDownAccelerationInfo
The test interface for helper objects that represent acceleration parameters of Windows up-down controls.
Public interfaceIWinUpDownEdit
The test interface for Windows up-down controls.