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IDriver Methods

The IDriver type exposes the following members.

Public methodFind<T>(ISearchPattern, Int32)
Searches for an object that matches the specified pattern. The search depth is specified as an optional parameter. The default search timeout AutoWaitTimeout is used.
Public methodFind<T>(ISearchPattern, Int32, Int32)
Searches for an object that matches the specified pattern. The search depth and timeout are specified as parameters.
Public methodFindAll<T>
Searches for objects that match the specified pattern. The search depth is specified as an optional parameter.
Public methodTryFind<T>(ISearchPattern, T)
Searches for an object that matches the specified pattern. The search depth is 1. The default search timeout AutoWaitTimeout is used.
Public methodTryFind<T>(ISearchPattern, Int32, T)
Searches for an object that matches the specified pattern. The search depth is specified as a parameter. The default search timeout AutoWaitTimeout is used.
Public methodTryFind<T>(ISearchPattern, Int32, Int32, T)
Searches for an object that matches the specified pattern. The search depth and timeout are specified as parameters.
See Also