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IWebObject.EvaluateXPath Method

Runs an XPath query and returns the result. The query can select one object, multiple objects, or it can return the result of an arbitrary XPath expression.

Namespace:  SmartBear.TestLeft.TestObjects.Web
Assembly:  SmartBear.TestLeft (in SmartBear.TestLeft.dll) Version: (
Object EvaluateXPath(
	string xPath,
	bool searchInFrames = true


Type: System.String
An XPath query.
searchInFrames (Optional)
Type: System.Boolean
Specifies whether to run the XPath query inside FRAMEs as well.

Return Value

Type: Object
An object of the type IObject that matches the specified XPath query, or the List object that contains one or more objects of the type Object, or simple types that match the specified XPath query, or an object of a simple type (string, int, etc.) as the result of a call to the XPath function or null.
InvocationExceptionWill be thrown if invocation fails.
WebExceptionWill be thrown if there are network problems.
See Also