Show CucumberStudio app on demand

Applies to CucumberStudio Cloud, and to Enterprise ver. 3.3 - Last updated on November 17, 2023
This documentation is valid only for Jira server from CucumberStudio app 1.3.0.

By default the CucumberStudio issue linker appears in all Jira projects.

CucumberStudio issue linker in Jira

Click the image to enlarge it.

If you want to display this panel only for a particular Jira project, you can update the app configuration. In the App administration section, select the CucumberStudio app for Jira and click on the Configure button:

Open configuration panel

Click the image to enlarge it.

The CucumberStudio app for Jira configuration panel allows you to uncheck the activation option.

CucumberStudio app configuration

Click the image to enlarge it.

When you save this configuration, the CucumberStudio issue panel is not displayed in all projects. To activate this panel on a particular project, go the project administration panel and in the detail tab, edit the project description to add ##HIPTEST## content.

Configure project to show app

Click the image to enlarge it.

That’s it, now the CucumberStudio panel is displayed only in your project!

See Also

Integration with Jira

Highlight search results