How the Internal Web Site Local Connection Option Works

Applies to CrossBrowserTesting SaaS, last modified on January 10, 2023

This page relates to the legacy version of the tunnel that has been introduced to CrossBrowserTesting. If you use the new tunnel version, see Local Testing — Secure Tunnels.

An encrypted tunnel is created between your machine and CrossBrowserTesting. Our remote browsers are directed to send their traffic to your local proxy. All URLs are resolved locally via your proxy, so URLs with your internal DNS names will work just fine. The proxy will receive ALL traffic, such that if you test, even this request will route through your tunnel and will be handled via your proxy server.

Requirements and limitations

  • Outbound ssh requests to port 443, SSL on must be allowed via your firewall.

Note: Try to use your full IP address.


For localhost or connection use the word local instead like this

To test a web server inside your firewall, simply enter the same URL you would use from your local browser.

Note: The Java tunnel options are deprecated and will not be supported in the near future.

See Also

About Local Testing
Testing on a Local Machine

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