TestRail Integration

Applies to CrossBrowserTesting SaaS, last modified on January 10, 2023

TestRail-CrossBrowserTesting integration is created to help our users easily upload their test results to their test runs using TestRail's provided API. This example is written in python but you can read about how to use this API in their documentation here: TestRail API Docs


  1. TestRail account with API enabled (you can do this by going to Administration > Site Settings > API > Enable API).

  2. Requests (HTTP request library for python).

  3. Json (JSON library for python).

Both of these are native to python and should already be included in your python environment. If though you do not have these preinstalled you can install them with the package manager Pip. Using pip to install, go to your terminal and type: pip install requests or pip install json

Quick start guide

Clone this repository and add TestRails.py to your working directory.

For authentication you will need to provide your email and password as well as your TestRail UR:. Here is a quick example of how a QA at CrossBrowserTesting would authenticate their requests.

testrail_auth = TestRail('[email protected]', 'password_here', 'testcbt.testrail.io')

To add a result to a test you will call add_result() and provide the two required arguments: test_id and status_id. All other fields are optional and are set by keywords. Put this snippet of code at the end of your test cycle to mark whether your CrossBrowserTesting test has passed or failed.

testrail_auth.add_result(test_id, status_id, comment = "Your comment here", version = "1.0.0")

An example of all the fields you can set are listed here:

Name Type Description
status_id int The ID of the test status.
comment string The comment / description for the test result.
version string The version or build you tested against.
elasped timespan The time it took to execute the test, e.g. "30s" or "1m 45s".
defects string A comma-separated list of defects to link to the test result.
assigned_to int The ID of a user the test should be assigned to.

Status ids can be passed as integer or string: ex: 1, 2, 4, 5 or Passed, Blocked, Retest, Failed.

Get needed information from Users, Projects, Runs, or Tests

If you need gather any IDs for users, tests, runs, or projects we have also included easy ways to obtain these.

Find user by email account:testrail_auth.get_user_by_email(email)

Response Content:

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "id": 1,
    "is_active": true,
    "name": "Alexis Gonzalez"

Find all projects:testrail_auth.get_projects()

Response Content:

    "project_id": 1,
    "name": "New CrossBrowserTesting project",
    "is_completed": false

Find all test runs in project:testrail_auth.get_all_runs(project_id)

Response Content:

    "run_id": 2,
    "suite_id": 3,
    "name": "Test Run 5/29/2019",
    "assignedto_id": 1

Find all tests in test run:testrail_auth.get_all_tests(run_id)

Response Content:

    "test_id": 4,
    "name": "Go to crossbrowsertesting.com",
    "status": "Untested"

See Also


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