To be able to create Collaborator reviews from JIRA items, you will need to install and configure special Collaborator plugin for JIRA. If this feature is not required, you may skip the steps of this section and proceed to Configuring JIRA Fields.
The Collaborator plugin for JIRA serves to exchange data between Collaborator and JIRA. Follow the steps below to install it:
Download the plugin from the SmartBear repository on GitHub: The target subfolder of this repository contains a compiled plugin: collab-jira-integration-N.N.N.jar.
Log in to your JIRA as an administrator (or a user with administrator permissions).
In JIRA, go to JIRA Administration > Add-ons.
JIRA can ask you to enter the user name and password once again.
On the next screen, select Manage Add-ons on the left and then click Upload add-on on the right.
In the subsequent dialog box, specify the plugin's file name and click Upload.
The plugin will be installed in JIRA. You will see it at the end of the add-on list.
After installing the plugin, you need to configure its settings.