3. Configure Collaborator Plugin for JIRA

Applies to Collaborator 12.0, last modified on December 21, 2021

To be able to create Collaborator reviews from JIRA items, you will need to configure the Collaborator plugin for JIRA. If this feature is not required, you may skip the steps of this section and proceed to Configuring JIRA Fields.

After installing the Collaborator plugin in JIRA, you need to configure it. Follow these steps:

  1. In JIRA, go to JIRA Administration > Projects:

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  2. Click your project in the list:

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. Scroll the subsequent screen down and click Collaborator at the bottom left:

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    You will see the Collaborator plugin's settings:

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  4. Specify the settings' values:

    Collaborator Settings



    Collaborator Url

    The address and port of the Collaborator server.

    Collaborator Username and Password

    The user name and password that the plugin will use for connecting to the specified Collaborator server.

    The user should have administrator permissions in Collaborator.

    After specifying these values, you can click Test Collaborator Connection to verify if you entered data correctly.

    FishEye Settings

    The Collaborator plugin uses FishEye to get information on files to be included in a review, when you are creating a Collaborator review from JIRA.



    FishEye Url

    The address and port of the FishEye server.

    FishEye Username

    The name of the FishEye account that the plugin will use for monitoring source control commits.

    The user should have administrator permissions in FishEye.

    FishEye Password

    The password for connecting to FishEye.

    After specifying these values, you can click Test FishEye Connection to verify if you entered data correctly.

    JIRA Settings



    Allow creating empty reviews

    Enable if it should be possible to create reviews with no attached changelists.

  5. After you specified the setting values, click Save.

Besides configuring the Collaborator plugin for JIRA, you also need to configure the visibility of certain JIRA fields.

See Also

Configure JIRA and Collaborator Servers

Highlight search results