JMX Monitoring

Applies to Collaborator 14.7, last modified on March 06, 2025

You can monitor many aspects of the Collaborator server via JMX – the standard built-in network monitoring system of Java.

Set Up Basic JMX System

To enable JMX, you must add Java properties to the server startup script. To do that, edit the file ccollab-server.vmoptions, which you can find within the server installation directory.

The first line enables JMX. The second line sets the TCP/IP port number for the JMX protocol. Of course, you can use a value other than the example (54321). The last two lines disable JMX authentication and security.

You must restart the Collaborator server before these settings take effect.

You can now use any JMX console software to access the Collaborator JMX variables. Java installation from Sun is shipped with a simple JMX console, which you can find in <Java installation directory>/bin/jconsole.exe. If you use console from Sun, select the Remote tab in the connection dialog and specify the host name, the port given in the configuration above. Leave User Name and Password blank.

Supported JMX Data

There are various things you can monitor with JMX, and this manual cannot cover them all.

The data specific to Collaborator can be found under MBeans, then – under the root tree node com.smartbear.ccollab. There, you will find one child tree node for each installation of Collaborator, named by the web page it is installed under. The default is just a simple forward slash. Under that node is various data.

Specifically, pay attention to the ApplicationStateCache and ServletState nodes – these contain basic information about logins, licensing, versioning, and product usage.

Complex JMX Server Configurations

A full description of how to configure JMX is outside the scope of this manual. It is completely standardized and documented on the Sun web site. To get started, check the following document:

See Also

Network Configuration
Admin Tasks

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