The ccollab admin review create
command creates a new review on the Collaborator server.
Command Line Syntax
ccollab [global-options] admin review create [--creator <value>] [--custom-field <value> [<value> ...]] [--deadline <value>] [--display-changelists-as <value>] [--group <value>] [--participant-custom-field <value> [<value> ...]] [--restrict-access <value>] [--template <value>] [--title <value>]
Command Options
Option |
Required? |
Description |
No |
The login of the creator of the Review, defaults to logged-in user if not specified |
No |
Setting for custom fields, in the form field-name=field-value (for example, "Overview=this is the overview") For multi-line fields, use \n for line breaks: "Overview=This is line 1.\nThis is line 2." For drop-down series and multi-select list fields, use | as value separators: "Product area=Order Form|Start Screen|API|Reporting" |
No |
Deadline in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd' |
No |
Default to showing changelists rolled up('single') or individually('distinct') |
No |
Guid of the group to specify |
No |
Setting for participant custom fields, in the form field-name=field-value |
No |
Restrict Access (anyone/group/participants/group-and-participants/group-or-participants) |
No |
Name, or numeric ID of the template. Default template, if omitted. |
No |
Title of the review. |
ccollab admin review create --creator jsmith --title "New Review" --custom-field "rcf=review custom field" --deadline '2015-12-12' --display-changelists-as "district" --group 5434fc24e3be2a88b29a35fb765adda1 --template "new template" --restrict-access "anyone"