Export Settings Dialog

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

The Export Settings dialog allows you to export all or selected AQTime options to a file that can be later imported back to AQTime on the same or other computer.

The dialog is displayed when you select the Export Settings command (to learn how to add this command to AQTime, see Exporting and Importing AQTime Settings).

The dialog displays a tree list of all the setting categories available in AQTime. Specify the settings you wish to export by selecting the check box next to them. By default, all the settings are selected. To quickly select or unselect all the settings, use the Check All and Uncheck All buttons.

In the Settings file name text box, specify the fully-qualified name of the .acnfg file to save the settings to. You can enter the file name manually, or click the ellipsis button and browse for the needed file.

Once you have selected the needed settings, click Export to save them to the specified file. To cancel the export, click Cancel.

See Also

Exporting and Importing AQTime Settings

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