Setup Toolbar (Integration with Embarcadero RAD Studio)

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

The Setup toolbar contains buttons that allow you to customize your AQTime project. The available commands are:

Add Module - Adds a new module to the current AQTime project.

Add URL - Adds a new URL to the current AQTime project.

Remove - Removes the selected module from the current AQTime project.

Set as Active - Sets the selected module as active.

View By - Contains a drop-down list of commands used to arrange information in the Setup panel. To open the list of available commands, click the down arrow on the right of the currently selected View By list value. The following items are available: Default, Unit, Class, Routine, Source File, Package and Namespace. To learn more, see the Modules pane section of the Setup panel help topic.

Sort Ascending - If this item is selected, AQTime sorts items in ascending order in the Setup panel.

Sort Descending - If this item is selected, AQTime sorts items in descending order in the Setup panel.

Exclude Standard Source Files - If this button is pressed, classes and functions provided by standard native-code libraries (such as VCL) will be ignored during profiling. If this button is unpressed, AQTime will profile all classes and functions available in the profiled modules regardless of whether they are implemented in the modules’s own source code or provided by standard libraries. See also Excluding Code From Profiling.

Add Profiling Area / Add Stack Area - Adds a new area to the current AQTime project. If the currently selected profiler supports class-level and stack areas, the item’s hint is “Add Stack Area”. If the profiler supports only routine- or line-level profiling areas, the hint is “Add Profiling Area”. To learn more about areas, see Using Areas.

Add Class-Level Area - Creates a new area of the class-level type in your AQTime project. To learn more about areas, see Using Areas.

Add Trigger - Adds a new trigger to the current AQTime project. To learn more about AQTime project triggers, see Using Triggers.

Add Action - Adds a new action to the current AQTime project. To learn more about AQTime project actions, see Using Actions.

See Also

AQTime Toolbars (Integration with Embarcadero RAD Studio)
About Setup Panel
Controlling What to Profile

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