Script, Action, and Event Properties

Last modified on July 26, 2024

When you select a script, action, or event in your DéjàClick script structure, the Properties tab displays the playback properties for the selected item – such as input parameters, keyword validations, timeouts, and others.

Available properties depend on the display level, Basic or Advanced. You can select the desired display level in the  > Display Level menu in DéjàClick 2.0 or the Configure Options > Display Level menu in DéjàClick 1.x.

DéjàClick 2.0

DéjàClick Script Properties

Click the image to enlarge it.

DéjàClick 1.x

DéjàClick Script Properties

Click the image to enlarge it.


  • Properties set at the script level apply to all events in the script.

  • To restore the default property values in a category, click Reset or Clear.

  • You can change the default properties for all newly recorded scripts in global DéjàClick options.


Applies to: Script, Action, Event

Display level: any

A custom name for a script, action (web page), or event. It appears in the event tree at the top of the DéjàClick sidebar.

If an action does not have a name, DéjàClick uses the web page’s URL.

To restore the default name, click Clear.

Event Input

Applies to: Script, Event

Display level: any

These options specify how to replay data input.

Note: Not all events have these options.

Replay using keystrokes – Select it to replay text input by sending individual key presses. This is useful for fields that track keyboard events (onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup), such as fields with autocomplete functionality.

Select FORM list items by – Specifies how to identify list and combo box items when replaying script. Possible values:

  • position (index) in the list
  • item name
  • item value

At the event level, you can also set the event parameters – the text to type in input fields, the list item to select, the URL to navigate to, and so on.

Keyword Validation

Applies to: Action, Event

Display level: any

The keywords (text or regular expressions) to find on web pages. Keyword validations help you verify that the replayed actions match the recorded actions. The Advanced display level provides additional match options.

For details, see Keyword Validation.

Note: The keywords must match the text in the page’s source code, not the text that is visible on the rendered page.

JavaScript Validation

Applies to: Action, Event

Display level: Advanced

The JavaScript code to run after an event, for example, to verify the event results. The code can be single- or multi-line, and should evaluate to true or false.

For details, see JavaScript Validation.

Event Timeout

Applies to: Script, Event

Display level: any

You can specify the maximum time to wait for an event to complete, and what to do if the event times out: to skip the event or to stop the script.

Pause Intervals

Applies to: Script, Event

Display level: any

DéjàClick replays scripts as fast as possible. However, you can choose to replay your script with the pauses (think time) the script was recorded with.

At the script level, you can set the replay speed as a percentage of the recorded speed.

At the event level, you can set a pause in milliseconds.

Skipped Events

Applies to: Script

Display level: Advanced

You can set to stop the script replay if a specific number of events have been skipped.

Match Options

Applies to: Script, Event

Display level: Advanced

During the replay, DéjàClick finds the target objects (buttons, images, links, and so on) by comparing the recorded web page information with the actual web page. Possible matches for the target object are ranked by their match score, and the closest match is selected. This way, DéjàClick can proceed even if the page differs slightly from what was recorded. Low match scores, however, mean that the actual page content differs too much from what is expected, and the originally recorded objects, probably, do not exist on the page.

You can adjust the match score thresholds for the entire script and individual events:

  • Stop replay if match score falls below ... percent (default is 20%)
  • Auto-detect page content errors below ... percent (default is 60%)

Other options (Ignore named attributesMatch Type, Fingerprint Search, ElementPath Search, Breadcrumbs Search) are not supposed to be changed by the users, unless this is what AlertSite support team advises.

Replay Timings

Applies to: Script, Event

Display level: any

Here you can change the replay speed for your script or some specific events. There are three options available:

  • Normal
  • Faster
  • Slower

At the Advanced display level, you can also set custom replay timings.

Browser Preferences

Applies to: Script

Display level: Advanced

Requires:DéjàClick for Chrome v. or later

Here you can specify custom proxy settings for your DéjàClick script. They will override Chrome proxy settings during script playback. For details, see Proxy Settings.

Custom Headers

Applies to: Script

Display level: Advanced

You can add custom HTTP headers to every HTTP request made by script. You can use headers to send:

  • custom User-Agent strings
  • session cookies to simulate repeat visitors
  • basic authentication credentials

For each custom header, you need to specify the header name and value. If your custom header duplicates some standard header, you can select the Merge Type:

  • Merge Values (Default) – Append a custom value after the default runtime value for this header, separated by a comma.

  • Replace Value – Use a custom value for the header and ignore the default runtime value (if any).

For example, you have the following header:

Cache-Control: no-cache

Then, you add a custom header:

Cache-Control: no-store

If you decide to merge values, all requests will have the following header:

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store

If you replace value, all requests will have the following header:

Cache-Control: no-store

URL Exclusions

Applies to: Script

Display level: Advanced

The URLs to exclude from your website’s performance measurements: for example, advertisements, embedded Flash, social sharing scripts, and so on.

You can choose to ignore the URLs (that is, load them but not include in the performance timings), or block them (do not load).

For details, see URL Exclusions.

Location Changes

Applies to: Script, Event

Display level: Advanced

Some web pages redirect to other web pages (for example, using HTTP 301/302 redirects, HTML meta refreshes, or JavaScript). DéjàClick counts the changed URLs of the recorded pages and waits for the expected number of redirects during the replay before proceeding to the next event.

You may need to disable or change these settings if redirects have changed since the script was recorded.

Content Changes

Applies to: Script, Event

Display level: Advanced

Web pages may change their contents upon loading to a browser. During the replay, DéjàClick waits for possible web content changes before proceeding to the next event.

If DéjàClick waits for changes even though nothing has changed, you can turn off content change detection to avoid unnecessary pauses.

Network Activity

Applies to: Script, Event

Display level: Advanced

Some actions on web pages may trigger network activity (for example, Ajax requests to the server). Use the Network Activity properties to specify whether DéjàClick should wait for network activities to complete before initiating the next event.

See Also

DéjàClick Configuration Options

Highlight search results