Mobile Monitoring

Last modified on July 26, 2024

AlertSite helps you monitor your mobile web sites and native applications:

  • Mobile web monitor emulates a user navigating your mobile web site using a mobile device, such as iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy and so on. AlertSite does this by emulating the screen size and user agent of the corresponding mobile device. This masquerades AlertSite monitor as a mobile device, which makes the web server return the mobile version of the web site.

    You create mobile web monitors by recording actions on your site using the AlertSite in-browser recorder. For a step-by-step tutorial, see Mobile Web Monitoring.

  • BitBar monitor (or real device monitor) runs mobile tests on real phones and tablets in BitBar. Native, web, and hybrid mobile applications are supported. This requires a BitBar account. For more information, see BitBar Mobile Monitoring with AlertSite.

See Also

Creating Monitors
Configuring Monitors

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