Recipient Group Object

Last modified on January 24, 2025

AlertSite API operations for managing recipient groups use the following data fields to represent the recipient group configuration.

Field Type Description
errortypes Array Error types covered by this recipient group. None means all.
errortypes[].description String Read-only. The description of the error code. For example, TCP Connection Failed.
errortypes[].id Integer The error code, up to 3 digits. Use the codes as they appear in the Recipient Group editor in AlertSite.
id Integer Read-only. The ID of the recipient group.
is_default Boolean Whether this group is the default recipient group. Default is false.
monitors Array Monitors, monitor steps, and ContentViews included in the recipient group. When creating or modifying recipient groups, monitors must contain at least one item.
monitors[].id Integer Monitor ID.
monitors[].name String Read-only. The monitor name.
monitors[].step_name String or null Read-only. The step name or null if the recipient group includes the whole monitor.
monitors[].step_number Integer The step number, from 1. 0 means the whole monitor.
name String The recipient group name, up to 128 characters.
recipients Array Recipients included in this group. When creating or modifying recipient groups, recipients must contain at least one item.
recipients[].id Integer Recipient ID.
recipients[].name String Read-only. The recipient name.
recipients[].recipient String Read-only. The destination for alerts - email address, phone number, URL, or similar.
templates Array Custom alert templates included in this group.
templates[].alert_description_short String Read-only. The category of the alert templates. For example, Site Error JSON.
templates[].id Integer The ID of a custom alert template.
templates[].name String Read-only. The name of a custom alert template.

See Also

Recipient Group Operations

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