Windows Installation

Applies to VirtServer 3.25.0, last modified on February 04, 2025
  1. Optional - Depending on the environment, there may be a need to install additional tools to run VirtServer.

    For example, if you need to download ReadyAPI you will need a tool like cURL

    Script: npm install curl

  2. Use an appropriate tool (e.g cURL) to download a version of VirtServer.

    Script: curl -o <Download Location>\VirtServer-x64-3.17.0.exe
  3. Install VirtServer from the downloaded location

    When installing VirtServer, there are additional parameter options that can be specified. For example, you may want to install and start VirtServer as a service.

    Script: <Download Location>\VirtServer-x64-3.17.0.exe -q -Dservice.install=true -Dservice.autostart=true

  4. Running services may take a few seconds before it becomes available so you may want to have (an optional) delay before running the next step

    Script: 'Start-Sleep -Seconds 60'

  5. Login to VirtServer

    Script: <Installation Directory>\SmartBear\VirtServer-3.17.0\bin\virtserver-cli.bat -logi-s -u defaultUser -pw svp4ever

  6. Apply for a VirtServer License from SLM using CLI

    Script: <Installation Directory>\SmartBear VirtServer-3.17.0\bin\virtserver-cli.bat -activatelicense -licenseaccesskey <Access Key> -licenseissuer SLM

    To get a license access key, refer to this link.

  7. Use the VirtServer CLI (virtser-cli.bat) to deploy and manage virtual services For more information on CLI Utility, refer to this link
  8. Logout of VirtServer

    Script: <Installation Directory>\SmartBear\VirtServer-3.17.0\bin\virtserver-cli.bat -logout -s

See Also

User Tasks

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