General Options (Simulating Category)

Applies to LoadComplete 4.97, last modified on May 20, 2019

The Simulating > General options control test running in LoadComplete.

To view and manage the options:

  1. Select Tools > Options from the LoadComplete main menu. LoadComplete will display the Options dialog.

  2. Select Simulating > General from the tree on the left of the dialog.

You can change the following options:

  • Connect to server timeout, s - The period (in seconds) during which LoadComplete tries to connect to the server. Default: 60.

    If the timeout expires before LoadComplete connects to the server, LoadComplete marks all the requests, which were to be simulated upon connecting to the server, as failed.

  • Send request timeout, s - The period (in seconds) during which LoadComplete tries to send a request over the connection. Default: 300.

    If the timeout expires before LoadComplete sends the request, LoadComplete closes the connection to which the request belongs. In this case, LoadComplete will not simulate the other requests and will mark them as failed in the test results.

  • Receive response timeout, s - The period (in seconds) during which LoadComplete waits for a response from the tested web server. Default: 300.

    If the timeout expires before LoadComplete receives a response, LoadComplete closes the connection to which the request belongs. In this case, LoadComplete will not simulate the other requests that belong to that connection and will mark them as failed in the test results.

  • Request correlation timeout, s - The period (in seconds) during which LoadComplete waits for a response, from which it will extract data and insert to a current request. Default: 300.

    If the timeout elapses before LoadComplete receives a response, LoadComplete will not simulate the request and will post an error message to the test log.

  • Remote agent timeout, s - The period (in seconds) during which LoadComplete waits for a LoadComplete remote agent to become available during the test run. Default: 60.

    If the timeout expires before the agent becomes available, LoadComplete will continue running the test (if it is possible) without the problematic agent. After the test run is over, LoadComplete will show a message informing you about the problematic agent.

Cookie handling
  • Cookie handling - This option specifies how LoadComplete simulates cookies during the test run:

    • Do not use cookies - LoadComplete ignores cookies. This option simulates a situation where cookies are disabled in the web browser.

    • Use recorded cookies - When the server requests a cookie, LoadComplete always sends the cookie value recorded during scenario recording. Therefore, all virtual users use the same cookie value.

    • Use real-time cookies - LoadComplete does not use recorded cookie values. It uses cookies set by the tested web server for each user.

  • Reuse virtual user cookies when simulating continuous load - If continuous load is enabled in your tests and the number of available virtual users is less than the total number of users in the test, LoadComplete will reuse virtual users during the test run. Enable the option to command LoadComplete to use cached data for reused virtual users. This emulates a situation when a user works with the web site that has some “history” about the previous user actions.

    If the option is disabled (by default), LoadComplete clears the cookies of the reused virtual users. This emulates a situation when a user comes to the tested web site for the first time.

  • Store log data - This option controls how LoadComplete collects and stores information about simulated operations:

    • None - LoadComplete does not collect data on simulated operations, nor does it generate logs for any test runs: neither Summary, nor Details reports.

    • Report data only (no Details) - LoadComplete generates only Summary Reports for test runs. It will not gather data on simulated operations, nor will it generate detailed logs.

    • Report data + Details for unsuccessful VU iterations - LoadComplete generates Summary Reports. It also generates detailed logs for virtual user iterations that were simulated with errors or warnings.

    • All data (Report + Details) - LoadComplete generates Summary Reports and detailed logs for all virtual user iterations.

    Note: Configure LoadComplete to collect information on simulated operations (All data (Report + Details)) to get –
  • Store requests and response data - This option controls what request and response data LoadComplete collects:

    • Start line only (request URL or response status) - LoadComplete collects only the first line of requests and responses. The line includes the request URL and method:

      GET /login.aspx HTTP/1.1

      or the response status code:

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    • Start line and headers - LoadComplete collects all request and response headers (but not their bodies).

    • Complete data (start line, headers and body) - LoadComplete collects complete requests and responses (the first line, headers and body).

      Note: We do not recommend that you enable this option when running large tests with many virtual users. Collecting all request and response data can result in high memory usage, and storing all the data can result in a large log file.
  • Show runtime messages - This option controls what information on simulated operations LoadComplete tracks at runtime:

    • None - LoadComplete tracks no messages from simulated operations at runtime.

    • Error messages only - LoadComplete tracks only error messages posted by simulated operations at runtime.

    • All messages - LoadComplete tracks all the messages posted by simulated operations at runtime.


  • The Logging options have effect only when your test is running. When you verify a scenario, LoadComplete collects detailed information on all requests and responses as if the Logging options were configured in the following way:

    • Store log data - All data (Report + Details)

    • Store request and response data - Complete data (start line, headers and body)

  • If LoadComplete is configured not to collect request and response bodies (the Store request and response data option is set to Start line only or to Start line and headers), the Simulated column of the Request Body and Response Body panels will be empty.

  • Terminate cloud instances - If this option is enabled, Amazon cloud computers that LoadComplete launches at the beginning of the test run will be terminated automatically after the test run is over.

    Instances launched manually from the LoadComplete IDE or instances launched with this option disabled will continue running until you terminate them manually.

    Cloud computing resources provided by Amazon EC2 are payable. You will be charged for the time during which your cloud instances were running. We recommend that you terminate all the instances if you no longer need them.
  • Use proxy settings for remote agents - If this option is enabled, during traffic simulation, the remote agents that simulate virtual users on remote computers (including Amazon cloud computers) will use the proxy specified in the Network > Proxy settings of LoadComplete running on the master computer.

See Also

LoadComplete Options
Running Load Tests
Managing Cookies
Analyzing Results
Distributed Testing
Load Testing on Cloud Computers

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