Gherkin Behaviour-Driven Development

Writing Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) test cases is easy. Zephyr Scale allows you to create a BDD test case in Jira and export it to a feature file. The feature file can be used as a reference for writing unit tests that are necessary for it to run.

BDD test cases are written in Gherkin syntax. Here is a list of supported and not supported keywords:



The Feature and Scenario part of the test case is not necessary. This is added once you export your test cases.

Supported keywords such as GivenWhen, and Then are highlighted as you type your test case.

How to work with BDD Gherkin Scripts

The following steps explain how to create test steps using BDD Gherkin scripts.

  1. Open a test case, and click the Test Script tab.

  2. Select BDD - Gherkin from the Type dropdown. The Gherkin editor appears.

  3. Write your test case. Remember not to include Feature or Scenario.

  4. Click Save when you are finished, and close the test case.

  5. Click More > Export Feature Files (BDD - Gherkin) to download the feature file for your new test case (or the selected test cases).


The zip file downloads to your computer. Developers using your company’s supported BDD tool can reference this information when writing automated tests related to the test case.

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