The JBehave sample is a Java project that includes a JBehave feature story and uses TestLeft to implement test steps for the feature’s test scenario.
It works with the Notepad application that is included in all the supported versions of the Windows operating system. The test checks whether the CTRL-Z short-cut executes the “Undo” command in the Notepad application.
The project uses Maven to specify the libraries that the project uses. To run the test, the project uses the JUnit testing framework.
Note: | If you are new to TestLeft, we recommend that you first follow our Getting Started tutorial to learn how to work with the product. We also recommend that you follow the BDD tutorials to learn how TestLeft integrates with various BDD testing frameworks. |
TestLeft 15.40
Location and Running
You can find the sample project here:
<Users>\Public\Documents\TestLeft 15 Samples\JBehave
Note: | Some file managers can display the Shared Documents and Public Documents folders as the Documents folder. |
Build your project and run the UndoFeatureTest test.