This topic describes the changes made to TestLeft 15.10. For information about the changes in other TestLeft versions, see TestLeft Version History.
Windows 11 support. With TestLeft 15.10, you can create and run automated tests on computers running under Windows 11.
Support for Java 17. You can now use TestLeft to create and run automated tests for Java applications created with Java 17.
Support for the latest browser versions. You can create and run automated web tests on the following browsers:
- Chrome 95
- Edge Chromium 95
- Firefox 94
We’ve also improved internal algorithms of simulating click-related actions on web and desktop controls. As a result, user tests including such actions have become more stable.
We've updated the httpclient and commons-compress packages for the testleft.jar library to 4.5.13 and 1.21, respectively.
TestLeft no longer supports Firefox versions 88–90.
We have fixed several issues reported by our customers.