Managing Templates

Applies to TestExecute 15.40, last modified on May 21, 2024

You use the Template Manager dialog to view, create, modify or delete global issue-tracking templates.

To call the dialog, right-click the TestExecute icon () in the notification area (tray) and select Issue Tracking | Template Manager from the resulting context menu.

Template Manager Dialog

The dialog holds a list of available global issue-tracking templates. Information about each template is shown in the following columns:

Column Description
Valid Indicates whether the connection settings of a template is valid or not. If these settings are invalid, TestExecute will not be able to create or edit items in the issue-tracking system, with which the template operates.
Name Specifies the template name. This string is used as the name of IssueTracking object’s method that TestExecute generates for the template.
System Specifies whether the template is a system or user template. For more information on template types, see Issue-Tracking Templates.
Project Specifies the project, to which TestExecute will add an item, or the project holding the item which TestExecute will modify.
Item Type Specifies the item type.
Connection Specifies the connection used to connect to the issue-tracking database.

In addition, TestExecute shows a template description for each template.

To create a new template
  • Click Add.
  • Use the ensuing Template Editor dialog to specify template properties.
To modify an existing template
  • Select the desired template in the templates list and click Edit.
  • Use the ensuing Template Editor dialog to change template properties.
To remove a template
  • Choose the desired template in the templates list and then click the Delete button.
Note: System templates cannot be deleted.

See Also

Integration With Issue-Tracking Systems - Overview

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