TestExecute uses Java to test Android applications. You specify the path to Java in TestExecute settings. TestExecute displays this message when initializing the Android Support plugin to indicate that it cannot find Java or is unable to use it.
The message provides extended information about the issue. Typically, the issue occurs for one of the following reasons:
The folder specified by the Path to Java Runtime setting does not contain java.exe. You could specify some wrong folder or misprint the folder name. Correct the setting value in this case.
The specified folder contains an unsupported version of Java modules. To test Android applications, you need to have Java JRE or JDK 8 and later on your computer. If this is not the version you have, download and install the supported Java version.
The Java modules are corrupted. The easiest way to fix an error in this case, is, perhaps, to reinstall Java.
You can download the needed Java installation packages from this web site: