Manage Users

Applies to TestEngine 1.31, last modified on December 20, 2024

Add users

Using API

To create a user by using the TestEngine API, you need to send the following request:

POST  http://<testengine-host>:8080/api/v1/users


A JSON object containing information about a new user:

Element Description
userName String. Specifies the name of the new user.
password String. Specifies the password of the new user.
admin Boolean. Specify true to grant the new user administrator permissions.

For example:

    "userName": "john.smith",
    "password": "p@ssw0rd",
    "admin": false


The request must be authenticated by a TestEngine administrator.

See details on SwaggerHub.


Using Web UI

  1. Log in to the TestEngine web interface under a user account with administrator permissions.

  2. Open the user menu and select Manage Users:

    Administrating TestEngine: Openning manage users page

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. Click Add User:

    Administrating TestEngine: Adding a user

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  4. Specify the username and password.

  5. If you want to grant administrator permissions, select the Administrator option.

  6. Click Save:

    Administrating TestEngine: Saving a user

    Click the image to enlarge it.

Deactivate users

Using API

To deactivate a user by using the TestEngine API, you need to send the following request:

DEACTIVATE  http://<testengine-host>:8080/api/v1/users/{username}


The name of the user you want to deactivate.


The request must be authenticated by a TestEngine administrator.

See details on SwaggerHub.


Using Web UI

  1. Log in to the TestEngine web interface under a user account with administrator permissions.

  2. Open the user menu and select Manage Users:

    Administrating TestEngine: Openning manage users page

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. Click Remove user :

    Administrating TestEngine: Removing a user

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  4. Click OK to confirm the deletion:

    Administrating TestEngine: Confirm user deletion

    Click the image to enlarge it.

Edit user

Using API

To modify a user by using the TestEngine API, you need to send the following request:

PUT  http://<testengine-host>:8080/api/v1/users/{username}


The name of the user you want to edit.


A JSON object containing data of the user. Skip the elements you do not want to change:

Element Description
password String. Specifies the new password of the user.
admin Boolean. Specify true to grant the user administrator permissions. Otherwise, specify false.

For example:

    "password": "new-p@ssw0rd",
    "admin": true


The request must be authenticated by a TestEngine administrator.


The request must be authenticated by a TestEngine user to change their own password.

See details on SwaggerHub.


Using Web UI

  1. Log in to the TestEngine web interface under a user account with administrator permissions.

  2. Open the user menu and select Manage Users:

    Administrating TestEngine: Openning manage users page

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. Click Edit user :

    Administrating TestEngine: Editing a user

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  4. Change the password and/or the type of the user.

  5. Click Save:

    Administrating TestEngine: Saving an edited user

    Click the image to enlarge it.

View users

Using API

To view TestEngine users, send the following request:


The name of the user information about whom you want to get.


The request must be authenticated by a TestEngine administrator.


The request must be authenticated by a TestEngine user to get their own information.

See details on SwaggerHub.


See Also

Administrative Tasks

Highlight search results