Running TestComplete tests with GitHub Actions

Applies to TestComplete 15.70, last modified on December 17, 2024

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is a CI/CD system built directly into GitHub, a web-based hosting service for Git repositories. It lets you automate, customize, and execute your software development workflows right in your repository with GitHub Actions. For example, you can compile your code, run tests, or deploy your software from within this system. Actions, workflows, and workflow runs allow you to build sophisticated, customized continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) capabilities directly within your GitHub repository.

How does it help?

Integrating TestComplete with GitHub Actions can help you manage and run your tests more effectively and efficiently in a CI/CD environment, all while maintaining robust security and minimizing infrastructure costs.


You will need following items in order to make this work:

  • A TestComplete Project Suite with a Test Execution plan.

  • The Access Key of floating license for TestExecute.

  • A GitHub account.

How to run tests using GitHub Actions?

You will need following items in order to make this work:

  1. Create a GitHub repo. For the purpose of this guide, we’ll use the web-testing repo. Next, create the TestComplete project suite called WebTesting.

  2. Add a batch file named test-runner.bat to the root of your repo. GitHub Actions will run the test using the batch file (the contents of the file with explanations are in the section below).

  3. Configure your batch file. The access key is configured using GitHub’s secrets (see the next step), and the project path depends on the your project suite directory (you can use either a relative or an absolute path, but we recommend the former).

  4. Define the secrets you need. In your GitHub account, in your repo, create a new secret in Settings:

    • TEST_EXECUTE_ACCESS_KEY - with the floating access key license for TestExecute.

  5. Define variables in a similar way:

    • TEST_EXECUTE_DOWNLOAD_URL - the URL of TestExecute. You can use for example: (or any other available of your choice).

    • TEST_EXECUTE_BIN - the installation path of TestExecute. You can use: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 15\Bin\TestExecute.exe" (or another one where you intend to have it installed).

  6. Create a GitHub action file /.github/workflows/github-actions-demo.yml in the root directory of your repo with the following content:


    name: TestExecute Simple Test
    run-name: TestExecute run from GitHub Action (${{ }})
            type: choice
            description: Project to be executed
            - Mobile
            - Web
        name: Install and Run TestExecute (${{ }})
        timeout-minutes: 30
        runs-on: windows-latest
        permissions: write-all
          - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          - name: Job Startup
           run: |
            echo "Starting job [Event=${{ github.event_name }}]"
            echo "This job is now running on a ${{ runner.os }} server hosted by GitHub!"
          - name: Download TestExecute
           run: |
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "${{ vars.TEST_EXECUTE_DOWNLOAD_URL }}" -OutFile ".\TE.exe"
            echo "TestExecute downloaded - ${{ vars.TEST_EXECUTE_DOWNLOAD_URL }}"
          - name: Show working folder content
           run: dir
           shell: cmd
          - name: Install TestExecute
           run: .\TE.exe -SilentInstall
           shell: cmd
          - name: Env Variable for TestExecute bin folder
           run: set PATH_TE="${{ vars.TEST_EXECUTE_BIN }}"
           shell: cmd
          - name: Launch TestExecute
           run: .\test-runner.bat ${{ secrets.TEST_EXECUTE_ACCESS_KEY }} ${{ inputs.project || 'Web' }}
           shell: cmd
          - name: JUnit Report from TestExecute
           uses: dorny/[email protected]
           if: always()
            name: TestComplete JUnit Report
            path: logs/runlog.xml
            reporter: java-junit
          - name: GitHub Action Summary
           if: always()
           run: |
            type | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY -Append

  7. Commit changes and push them to a branch. Once you have all these settings, every time you push/merge to the branch, the GitHub action is triggered and the tests are run.

  8. Check the result of GitHub Action. If everything went well, you should get the URL of the report in the summary:

    Test result with GitHub Actions

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    And you can also check the JUnit report:

    JUnit report in GitHub

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  9. If you experience any problems, please refer to the Troubleshooting section below.

The batch file

The batch file content is as follows:


REM Clears the screen

REM Variable to track if tests passed
set Tests_Passed=0
set Error_Level=0

IF %1.==. GOTO AccessKeyMissing
set AccessKey=%1

REM By default we run web testing
set ProjectPath="%cd%\WebTesting\WebTesting.pjs"

IF "%2" == "Mobile" GOTO MobileProjectRun
IF "%2" == "Web" GOTO WebProjectRun
IF NOT %2.==. GOTO ParamProjectPath
GOTO EchoProjectPath

set ProjectPath="%cd%\MobileTesting\MobileTesting.pjs"
GOTO EchoProjectPath

set ProjectPath="%cd%\WebTesting\WebTesting.pjs"
GOTO EchoProjectPath

set ProjectPath=%2
GOTO EchoProjectPath

ECHO Starting TestExecute for project %ProjectPath%
ECHO ## TestExecute Run for %2 :rocket: | tee -a "%cd%\"
ECHO: | tee -a "%cd%\"
GOTO ExecuteTest

REM Launches TestExecute
REM executes the specified project
REM and closes TestExecute when the run is over
"C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 15\Bin\TestExecute.exe" %ProjectPath% /r /e /AccessKey:%AccessKey% /SilentMode /Timeout:1200 /ns /ErrorLog:%cd%\logs\error.log /ExportLog:%cd%\logs\runlog.html /ExportSummary:%cd%\logs\runlog.xml /shr:%cd%\logs\shared-repo-link.txt /shrn:LogFromGitHubAction /shrei:7

set Error_Level=%ERRORLEVEL%
ECHO TestExecute execution finished with code: %Error_Level% | tee -a "%cd%\"
ECHO: | tee -a "%cd%\"

IF "%Error_Level%" == "1001" GOTO NotEnoughDiskSpace
IF "%Error_Level%" == "1000" GOTO AnotherInstance
IF "%Error_Level%" == "127" GOTO DamagedInstall
IF "%Error_Level%" == "4" GOTO Timeout
IF "%Error_Level%" == "3" GOTO CannotRun
IF "%Error_Level%" == "2" GOTO Errors
IF "%Error_Level%" == "1" GOTO Warnings
IF "%Error_Level%" == "0" GOTO Success
IF "%Error_Level%" == "-1" GOTO LicenseFailed
IF NOT "%Error_Level%" == "0" GOTO UnexpectedErrors

ECHO :x: There is not enough free disk space to run TestExecute | tee -a "%cd%\"
GOTO GenerateReport

ECHO :x: Another instance of TestExecute is already running | tee -a "%cd%\"
GOTO GenerateReport

ECHO :x: TestExecute installation is damaged or some files are missing | tee -a "%cd%\"
GOTO GenerateReport

ECHO :x: Timeout elapsed | tee -a "%cd%\"
GOTO GenerateReport

ECHO :x: The script cannot be run | tee -a "%cd%\"
GOTO GenerateReport

ECHO :x: There are errors | tee -a "%cd%\"
GOTO GenerateReport

ECHO :warning: There are warnings | tee -a "%cd%\"
set Tests_Passed=1
GOTO GenerateReport

ECHO :white_check_mark: No errors| tee -a "%cd%\"
set Tests_Passed=1
GOTO GenerateReport

ECHO :x: License check failed | tee -a "%cd%\"
GOTO GenerateReport

ECHO :x: Unexpected Error: %Error_Level% | tee -a "%cd%\"
GOTO GenerateReport

ECHO :x: Access Key is missing. Usage: | tee -a "%cd%\"
ECHO "test-runner.bat <AccessKey> <Project Path>" | tee -a "%cd%\"
ECHO Project Path is optional, if not defined, will try to run desktop project. | tee -a "%cd%\"

IF EXIST "%cd%\logs\error.log" GOTO PrintErrorLog
IF EXIST "%cd%\logs\shared-repo-link.txt" GOTO PrintURL
IF EXIST "%cd%\logs\runlog.xml" GOTO ReportFound
ECHO :x: Error. No logs or reports found!!! | tee -a "%cd%\"

ECHO :x: Error log found. This is the content: | tee -a "%cd%\"
type %cd%\logs\error.log | tee -a "%cd%\"
IF EXIST "%cd%\logs\shared-repo-link.txt" GOTO PrintURL
IF EXIST "%cd%\logs\runlog.xml" GOTO ReportFound

ECHO :bar_chart: Shared repo created: | tee -a "%cd%\"
type %cd%\logs\shared-repo-link.txt | tee -a "%cd%\"
IF EXIST "%cd%\logs\runlog.xml" GOTO ReportFound

ECHO Local report file found!

IF "%Tests_Passed%" == "1" GOTO OkEnd
exit /b %Error_Level%


The file contains 2 parameters:

  • Access Key – license key for TestExecute (required)

  • Project Path - path file for TestComplete Project Suite to be executed (optional)

Please note that if the second parameter isn’t specified, the path %cd%/web-testing/WebTesting/WebTesting.pjs will be used.

The batch file simply runs the TestExecute command and prints out the contents of the error log (if it exists) and the URL of the cloud test report (if it exists). The TextExecute command executed is:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 15\Bin\TestExecute.exe" %ProjectPath% /r /e
/AccessKey:%AccessKey% /SilentMode /Timeout:1200 /ns /ErrorLog:%cd%\logs\error.log
/ExportLog:%cd%\logs\runlog.html /ExportSummary:%cd%\logs\runlog.xml
/shr:%cd%\logs\shared-repo-link.txt /shrn:LogFromGitHubAction /shrei:7

Main options used:

  • /r /e - run and exit.

  • /SilentMode /ns - silent mode options.

  • /Timeout:600 - hardcoded timeout of 10 minutes for running tests (should be adjusted based on needs).

  • /ErrorLog - is used to redirect the log to a file so that the contents can be printed at the end of the GitHub action.

  • /shr:%cd%\logs\shared-repo-link.txt /shrn:LogFromGitHubAction /shrei:7 - options for creating a shared repo. The contents of the text file will be printed at the end of the GitHub action to get the link to the repo.

  • /ExportSummary:%cd%\logs\runlog.xml - is used to generate a JUnit report, so it's used in a GitHub report (here is the command explanation).


Issue Description
Project Suite file not found The GitHub Action Windows Runner working folder is not the one in C: or in the administrator user's home folder. Since the path might change, it is better to use %cd% and the relative path of the repo for any reference to the cloned GitHub repo. You can see the example in the batch file.
TestExecute command hangs Unfortunately it's difficult to debug on GitHub actions, so it's important to set a timeout for the test execution (in the batch it's hardcoded to 10min) and check the error log content.
TestExecute run timed out after 10 minutes The TestExecute command defined in the batch file has a hard-coded timeout parameter value of 600, and you may need to adjust it.
GitHub action timed out after 30 minutes The example GitHub action is configured with a timeout of 30 minutes, you can change it in the code.
License Key flawed Make sure there are no spaces around the license key. For example, if there is a space before the license key, TestExecute will fail to validate the license.


  • There is a minor limitation of GitHub actions and reporting that could affect this solution, it is reported here. This issue only affects if the you try to run the same GitHub action multiple times for the same commit hash. This is a limitation of GitHub Actions and not specific to TestComplete, it impacts any other testing solution.

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