Integration With Issue-Tracking Systems

Applies to TestComplete 15.72, last modified on March 04, 2025

In TestComplete, you can create and edit issues stored in Microsoft Visual Studio Team System or Mozilla Foundation Bugzilla issue-tracking systems. Using TestComplete dialogs you specify the login, password, computer name and other parameters needed to connect to the desired issue-tracking system; TestComplete will then store these settings into a template and automatically generate a method of the IssueTracking object that will create or open for editing an item in the selected issue-tracking system. To create an item (or to modify it) you simply call this method and pass data to be stored to item fields, via method parameters.

Of course, you can write a script that will connect to a needed issue-tracking system via COM and perform all the required tasks from scratch. However, this approach requires you to know the internal structure and internal objects of the desired issue-tracking system. The approach offered by TestComplete is more convenient since you do not have to know the internal structure of the desired issue-tracking system: all the options are set up visually through TestComplete dialogs. You only call the appropriate method of the IssueTracking object.

This section describes how to create and use issue-tracking templates.

In This Section

About Issue-Tracking Templates

Describes how you submit items to issue-tracking systems from TestComplete.

Working With Issue-Tracking Systems - Requirements

Describes the requirements to be met for you to work with issue-tracking systems from TestComplete.

About the CreateWorkItem Template

Describes the default template that TestComplete includes.

Creating Issue-Tracking Templates

Describes how to create issue-tracking templates.

Using Issue-Tracking Templates From Tests

Describes how to use issue-tracking templates from tests.

Connecting to Your Issue-Tracking Database

Describes how to connect to your issue-tracking database.

Managing Connections

Describes how to manage connections to your issue-tracking database.

Managing Templates

Describes how to manage your issue-tracking templates.

The Log Was Exported to an Issue Successfully

Describes the notification message that TestComplete shows when it exports your test log to your issue-tracking system successfully.

Integration With Issue-Tracking Systems - Troubleshooting

Describes the most common issues that may occur when submitting items to issue-tracking systems from TestComplete and how to resolve them.

Related Topics of Interest

Issue-Tracking Templates Page

Provides information on the Issue-Tracking Templates page of the project editor and describes how to create, modify and delete the templates.

In addition, TestComplete includes script extensions that provide support for the following issue-tracking systems:

  • Atlassian JIRA

  • Mozilla Bugzilla

  • SmartBear QAComplete

  • Axosoft OnTime

    Note: This extension is deprecated and disabled in TestComplete by default.

For these issue-tracking systems, you can create issues only from test results. In other words, you can create a bug report for the whole log of the test run or for any of its child log, and post this report to the issue-tracking system directly from the test log.

Creating Issue Reports for Test Results

Describes how to create a work item in an issue-tracking system directly from the test log.

Exporting Test Results

Describes how to export test results from the Project Explorer, Log Page, tests and so on.

See Also

Integration With Source Control Systems

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