Data Generator Wizard

Applies to TestComplete 15.72, last modified on March 04, 2025

The Data Generator wizard assists you in creating data storages that contain test data. This topic describes how to work with this wizard to generate different types of data values and save them to data storages in TestComplete.

1. Open the Wizard

The wizard is called when you do any of the following:

  • Click Open Data Generator Wizard on the Tools toolbar.

  • Select Test > Generate Data from the TestComplete main menu.

The Data Generator wizard is included in TestComplete since version 8.10. If you have installed this TestComplete version or later over an earlier version in update mode, the Generate Data button may be unavailable on the Tools toolbar or in the Test menu as installing TestComplete in update mode does not update custom interface layouts.

You can add this command to the toolbar or menu manually.

See instructions

2. Specify the type of Data Storage

You can do this on the first page of the wizard. The following variants are available:

  • TestComplete variable - select this item to generate test data and store it in the specified project suite, project, or keyword test variable. You can also specify:

    • Variable name - which is a name for the created variable. The name can only start with a letter or an underscore. It can only contain letters, digits, and underscores. An error will occur if you type an invalid value.

    • Variable type - which is the type of a new variable: One value or Table.

      • If you select One value, TestComplete will create a single-value variable. The type will be set automatically based on your choice on the next page.

      • If you select Table, TestComplete will create a variable with the specified number of columns and rows.

    • Variable container - to choose where to save the variable. For example, selecting MyProjectSuite_Name\MyProject_Name\KeywordTests\MyTest_Name will add the variable to the list of MyTest_Name keyword test’s variables. You can also create project suite and project variables.

      Note: If no project suite is open in TestComplete, you can't save the generated data to a variable. In this case, you can only save the data to an Excel file.
  • Microsoft Excel worksheet - choose to create an .xls file with the desired number of rows and columns. You can also choose where to save the file. To do this, either type the full file name in the File Name box or click the ellipsis button and select the file using the Save To dialog box.

    Open Microsoft Excel after wizard is finished - Select this check box to automatically activate the Excel editor with the created storage open in it after the data generation is finished. Otherwise, clear this check box.

    Ensure Microsoft Excel is installed on your computer before using Excel worksheets for data storage. If Excel is not installed, an error message will appear when you try to use a worksheet. If you use an existing Excel file, TestComplete will add a new worksheet with the generated values. If the file doesn't exist, TestComplete will create it, add a worksheet, and populate it with the values.
The Type of the Data Storage

Click the image to enlarge it.

After you have selected the desired data storage type and specified all the needed parameters, click Next.

3. Specify Options for Generated Data

On the second page of the wizard, you can specify additional options for the generated data. The page appearance depends on the values selected on the first page of the wizard.

  • For TestComplete variable (Table type) and Microsoft Excel worksheet, do the following:

    1. Fill the table that holds the descriptions of the columns that will be stored in the generated table or file. Each line in this table corresponds to one column of the data storage. The table contains the following columns:

      • # - the ordinal number of the column that will be stored in the table or file.

      • Column name - the title of the created column. You can modify the contents of the column as you wish. To specify another column name, click within the corresponding Column name cell and enter a new name. Press Enter to confirm the new name.

      • Data Generator - Specifies the data generator that will be used to populate the created column with values. To change the value of this field, click within the corresponding cell in the Data Generator column, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the cell and then select the desired data generator from the ensuing drop-down list. For a complete list of data generators, see below.

      • Parameters - Specifies additional parameters for the selected data generator. To modify these parameters, click within the Parameters cell to activate the in-place editor and press the Edit button. For more information on the parameters that are available for each generator, see the description of the desired generator (the Data Generators section below).

      You can modify the table in the following ways:

      • To add a column, click the Insert button.

      • To delete a column, select the desired column in the table and click the Delete button.

      • To change the order of the column, use the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

    2. Specify the number of rows in the created data storage. For this purpose, use the Number of rows setting. To save column names with the generated data, click Save column names.

      The Columns List of Generated Data

      Click the image to enlarge it.

    3. Click Finish. TestComplete will generate the desired data and save it to the data storage.

  • For TestComplete variable (One value type) set options for the desired data generator.

    In case of the 'One value' variable type, the second page assists you in selecting the desired generator and configuring its settings. The page appearance depends on the generator type selected in the Data Generator field. For more information on the parameters available for the selected generator, see the generator’s description below.

    The Date and Time generator

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    After you have specified options for the data to be generated, click Finish. TestComplete will generate the desired data and save it to the data storage.

Available Data Generators

To generate different kinds of data values, TestComplete provides several data generators:

Also, TestComplete allows creating your own generators and adding them to the list of available generators (see Working With User-Defined Data Generators).

For more information on generating various data with the TestComplete data generator, see Tips on Generating Typical Values.

For more information on preparing test data, see Preparing Data for Data-Driven Testing.

See Also

Data-Driven Testing
Working With Databases
Working with Microsoft Excel Files
Data-Driven Loop Operation
Tips on Generating Typical Values

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