Creating Projects and Project Suites

Applies to TestComplete 15.71, last modified on February 05, 2025

When you create a new project, TestComplete automatically generates the project suite to which that project will belong. However, you can also create a new blank suites and use TestComplete dialogs to add projects to this suite.

To create a new project suite
  1. Do any of the following:

    • Select File > New > New Project Suite from the TestComplete main menu.

    • Select New > New Project Suite from the Standard toolbar.

    • Right-click somewhere within the Project Explorer panel and select New Project Suite from the context menu.

    The Create Project Suite dialog will open.

  2. In the dialog, specify the project suite name and the location.

  3. Click OK.

TestComplete creates a new project suite in the specified location and displays its contents in the Project Explorer panel.

Once you have created the project suite, you can create new projects in it or import existing projects.

Note: When you add a project suite, it is immediately saved on the disk. If you do not delete it, the The Project Suite cannot be created message will appear when you try to create a project suite with the same name. If this happens, load the existing suite or replace it with a new one.
To add a new project to a project suite
  1. Do any of the following:

    • Select New > New Project from the Standard toolbar.

    • Click the Add a New Project button on the toolbar of the Project Explorer panel.

    • Right-click the project suite node in the Project Explorer panel and select Add > New Item from the context menu.

    • On the Start Page, click New Project.

  2. Use the resulting Create New Project wizard to specify the project's name, location and other properties and create the project.

Note: When you add a project, it is immediately saved on the disk. If you do not delete it, the The project cannot be created message will appear when you try to create a project with the same name. If this happens, you can load the existing project by following the instructions below.
To add an existing project to a project suite
  1. Do any of the following:

    • Select a project suite in the Project Explorer panel and then click the Add Existing Child Item button on the Project Explorer’s toolbar.

    • Right-click the project suite in the Project Explorer and select Add > Existing Item from the context menu.

  2. Browse for the desired project file and click Open.

To create a new project and the project suite holding it
  1. Do any of the following:

    • Select File > New > New Project from the TestComplete main menu.

    • Select New > New Project from the Standard toolbar.

    • Click the Add a New Project button on the toolbar of the Project Explorer panel.

    • Right-click somewhere within the Project Explorer panel and select New Project from the context menu.

    • On the Start Page, click New Project or Record Test.

  2. TestComplete will show a wizard that will guide you through the project creation. Specify the project’s name, location, and other properties.

    If a project suite is currently open in TestComplete, select the Create a new project suite check box in the wizard. Otherwise, TestComplete will add the created project to the currently open project suite.

  3. TestComplete will create a new project suite and a project.

See Also

Managing Projects, Project Suites and Project Items
Projects in TestComplete
Project Suites in TestComplete
Deleting Projects

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