More Tutorials

Applies to TestComplete 15.71, last modified on February 05, 2025

TestComplete includes a number of tutorials to help familiarize yourself with TestComplete and learn some testing techniques. Each tutorial contains step-by-step instructions that walk you through the complete creation of projects that provide solutions for various testing scenarios.

Data-Driven Testing Tutorials

In these tutorials, you will learn how to create data-driven keyword tests and scripts that will retrieve input data from an Excel sheet.

Testing Mobile Web Applications Using Emulator - Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to create an automated test for a mobile web site.

Calling DLL Functions From Tests - Tutorial

This tutorial explains how to call a routine from a DLL.

Script Extensions Tutorials

These tutorials explain how to add custom functionality to TestComplete by using script extensions.

Image-Based Testing - Tutorial

This tutorial explains how to create an image-based test.

Testing Electron Applications - Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to create an automated test for an Electron-based application.

Testing Xamarin.Forms Applications - Tutorial (Legacy)

This tutorial shows how to create a simple test for a Xamarin.Forms application and run it on several mobile devices.

Optical Character Recognition - Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to use optical character recognition to get the text content of a control and how to simulate user actions on a screen area recognized by its text.

Integration With Zephyr Squad - Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to use TestComplete tests to automate test cases created with Zephyr Squad.

See Also

About TestComplete
TestComplete Samples

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