Parameterizing Tests

Applies to TestComplete 15.71, last modified on February 05, 2025

Recorded tests typically contain hard-coded values. This makes them use the same data during test runs and makes them difficult to modify. To solve these problems, you can parameterize your tests.

The following topics provide more information on parameterizing tests:

Parameterizing Tests - Overview

Provides an overview of various approaches to parameterize tests.

Parameterizing Script Routines

Describes how to use parameters in script routines.

Parameterizing Keyword Tests

Describes how to use parameters in keyword tests.

Parameterizing Tests Using Variables

Explains how to parameterize tests using project, project suite or network suite variables.

Parameterizing Tests Using External Data Sources

Explains how to parameterize tests using data stored in external files.
Related Topics of Interest

Parameterizing Low-Level Procedures

Describes how to parameterize low-level procedures.
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