In TestComplete, you can create and automate BDD tests that use Gherkin keywords in native languages.
You specify a language for the entire feature file. You do this in a comment at the beginning of the file, before the line with the Feature:
keyword. The comment should have a special format that includes the two-character code of the language. For instance, to use German Gherkin keywords, you use a comment like this:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ge
Feature: ...
# language: ge
Feature: ...
' language: ge
Feature: ...
// DelphiScript doesn’t support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ge
Feature: ...
Each feature file can have keywords in one language only (for example, only in English, only in German, only in French, and so on). A TestComplete project can have feature files that use Gherkin keywords in different languages.
Below is a list of the supported languages, keywords and language codes.

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: af
# language: af
' language: af
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: af
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * En |
Background | Agtergrond |
But | * Maar |
Examples | Voorbeelde |
Feature | Besigheid Behoefte Funksie Vermoë |
Given | * Gegewe |
Scenario | Situasie Voorbeeld |
ScenarioOutline | Situasie Uiteensetting |
Then | * Dan |
When | * Wanneer |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ar
# language: ar
' language: ar
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ar
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * و |
Background | الخلفية |
But | * لكن |
Examples | امثلة |
Feature | خاصية |
Given | * بفرض |
Scenario | سيناريو مثال |
ScenarioOutline | سيناريو مخطط |
Then | * اذاً ثم |
When | * عندما متى |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: an
# language: an
' language: an
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: an
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * E Y |
Background | Antecedents |
But | * Pero |
Examples | Eixemplos |
Feature | Caracteristica |
Given | * Dada Dadas Dau Daus |
Scenario | Caso Eixemplo |
ScenarioOutline | Esquema del caso |
Then | * Alavez Allora Antonces |
When | * Cuan |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: am
# language: am
' language: am
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: am
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Եվ |
Background | Կոնտեքստ |
But | * Բայց |
Examples | Օրինակներ |
Feature | Հատկություն Ֆունկցիոնալություն |
Given | * Դիցուք |
Scenario | Սցենար Օրինակ |
ScenarioOutline | Սցենարի կառուցվացքը |
Then | * Ապա |
When | * Եթե Երբ |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ast
# language: ast
' language: ast
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ast
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Y Ya |
Background | Antecedentes |
But | * Peru |
Examples | Exemplos |
Feature | Carauterística |
Given | * Dada Daes Daos Dáu |
Scenario | Casu Exemplo |
ScenarioOutline | Esbozu del casu |
Then | * Entós |
When | * Cuando |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: en-au
# language: en-au
' language: en-au
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: en-au
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Too right |
Background | First off |
But | * Yeah nah |
Examples | You'll wanna |
Feature | Pretty much |
Given | * Y'know |
Scenario | Awww, look mate |
ScenarioOutline | Reckon it's like |
Then | * But at the end of the day I reckon |
When | * It's just unbelievable |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: az
# language: az
' language: az
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: az
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Həm Və |
Background | Keçmiş Kontekst |
But | * Amma Ancaq |
Examples | Nümunələr |
Feature | Özəllik |
Given | * Tutaq ki Verilir |
Scenario | Nümunələr Ssenari |
ScenarioOutline | Ssenarinin strukturu |
Then | * O halda |
When | * Əgər Nə vaxt ki |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: bs
# language: bs
' language: bs
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: bs
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * A I |
Background | Pozadina |
But | * Ali |
Examples | Primjeri |
Feature | Karakteristika |
Given | * Dato |
Scenario | Primjer Scenariju Scenario |
ScenarioOutline | Scenariju-obris Scenario-outline |
Then | * Zatim |
When | * Kada |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: bg
# language: bg
' language: bg
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: bg
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * И |
Background | Предистория |
But | * Но |
Examples | Примери |
Feature | Функционалност |
Given | * Дадено |
Scenario | Пример Сценарий |
ScenarioOutline | Рамка на сценарий |
Then | * То |
When | * Когато |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ca
# language: ca
' language: ca
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ca
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * I |
Background | Antecedents Rerefons |
But | * Però |
Examples | Exemples |
Feature | Característica Funcionalitat |
Given | * Atès Atesa Donada Donat |
Scenario | Escenari Exemple |
ScenarioOutline | Esquema de l'escenari |
Then | * Aleshores Cal |
When | * Quan |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: zh-CN
# language: zh-CN
' language: zh-CN
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: zh-CN
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * 同时 并且 而且 |
Background | 背景 |
But | * 但是 |
Examples | 例子 |
Feature | 功能 |
Given | * 假如 假定 假设 |
Scenario | 剧本 场景 |
ScenarioOutline | 剧本大纲 场景大纲 |
Then | * 那么 |
When | * 当 |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: zh-TW
# language: zh-TW
' language: zh-TW
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: zh-TW
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * 並且 同時 而且 |
Background | 背景 |
But | * 但是 |
Examples | 例子 |
Feature | 功能 |
Given | * 假如 假定 假設 |
Scenario | 劇本 場景 |
ScenarioOutline | 劇本大綱 場景大綱 |
Then | * 那麼 |
When | * 當 |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ht
# language: ht
' language: ht
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ht
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Ak E Epi |
Background | Istorik Kontèks |
But | * Men |
Examples | Egzanp |
Feature | Fonksyonalite Karakteristik Mak |
Given | * Sipoze Sipoze ke Sipoze Ke |
Scenario | Senaryo |
ScenarioOutline | Dyagram senaryo Dyagram Senaryo Plan senaryo Plan Senaryo Senaryo deskripsyon Senaryo Deskripsyon |
Then | * Le sa a Lè sa a |
When | * Le Lè |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: hr
# language: hr
' language: hr
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: hr
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * I |
Background | Pozadina |
But | * Ali |
Examples | Primjeri Scenariji |
Feature | Mogucnost Mogućnost Osobina |
Given | * Ukoliko Zadan Zadani Zadano |
Scenario | Primjer Scenarij |
ScenarioOutline | Koncept Skica |
Then | * Onda |
When | * Kad Kada |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: cs
# language: cs
' language: cs
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: cs
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * A A také |
Background | Kontext Pozadí |
But | * Ale |
Examples | Příklady |
Feature | Požadavek |
Given | * Pokud Za předpokladu |
Scenario | Příklad Scénář |
ScenarioOutline | Náčrt Scénáře Osnova scénáře |
Then | * Pak |
When | * Když |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: da
# language: da
' language: da
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: da
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Og |
Background | Baggrund |
But | * Men |
Examples | Eksempler |
Feature | Egenskab |
Given | * Givet |
Scenario | Eksempel Scenarie |
ScenarioOutline | Abstrakt Scenario |
Then | * Så |
When | * Når |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: nl
# language: nl
' language: nl
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: nl
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * En |
Background | Achtergrond |
But | * Maar |
Examples | Voorbeelden |
Feature | Functionaliteit |
Given | * Gegeven Stel |
Scenario | Scenario Voorbeeld |
ScenarioOutline | Abstract Scenario |
Then | * Dan |
When | * Als Wanneer |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: en
# language: en
' language: en
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: en
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * And |
Background | Background |
But | * But |
Examples | Examples Scenarios |
Feature | Ability Business Need Feature |
Given | * Given |
Scenario | Example Scenario |
ScenarioOutline | Scenario Outline Scenario Template |
Then | * Then |
When | * When |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: eo
# language: eo
' language: eo
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: eo
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Kaj |
Background | Fono |
But | * Sed |
Examples | Ekzemploj |
Feature | Trajto |
Given | * Donitaĵo Komence |
Scenario | Ekzemplo Kazo Scenaro |
ScenarioOutline | Kazo-skizo Konturo de la scenaro Skizo |
Then | * Do |
When | * Se |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: et
# language: et
' language: et
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: et
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Ja |
Background | Taust |
But | * Kuid |
Examples | Juhtumid |
Feature | Omadus |
Given | * Eeldades |
Scenario | Juhtum Stsenaarium |
ScenarioOutline | Raamstjuhtum Raamstsenaarium |
Then | * Siis |
When | * Kui |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: fi
# language: fi
' language: fi
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: fi
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Ja |
Background | Tausta |
But | * Mutta |
Examples | Tapaukset |
Feature | Ominaisuus |
Given | * Oletetaan |
Scenario | Tapaus |
ScenarioOutline | Tapausaihio |
Then | * Niin |
When | * Kun |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: fr
# language: fr
' language: fr
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: fr
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Et Et qu' Et que |
Background | Contexte |
But | * Mais Mais qu' Mais que |
Examples | Exemples |
Feature | Fonctionnalité |
Given | * Etant donné Étant donné Etant donné qu' Étant donné qu' Etant donné que Étant donné que Etant donnée Étant donnée Etant données Étant données Etant donnés Étant donnés Soit |
Scenario | Exemple Scénario |
ScenarioOutline | Plan du scénario Plan du Scénario |
Then | * Alors |
When | * Lorsqu' Lorsque Quand |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: gl
# language: gl
' language: gl
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: gl
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * E |
Background | Contexto |
But | * Mais Pero |
Examples | Exemplos |
Feature | Característica |
Given | * Dada Dadas Dado Dados |
Scenario | Escenario Exemplo |
ScenarioOutline | Esbozo do escenario |
Then | * Entón Logo |
When | * Cando |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ka
# language: ka
' language: ka
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ka
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * და |
Background | კონტექსტი |
But | * მაგრამ |
Examples | მაგალითები |
Feature | თვისება |
Given | * მოცემული |
Scenario | მაგალითად სცენარის |
ScenarioOutline | სცენარის ნიმუში |
Then | * მაშინ |
When | * როდესაც |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: de
# language: de
' language: de
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: de
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Und |
Background | Grundlage |
But | * Aber |
Examples | Beispiele |
Feature | Funktionalität |
Given | * Angenommen Gegeben sei Gegeben seien |
Scenario | Beispiel Szenario |
ScenarioOutline | Szenariogrundriss |
Then | * Dann |
When | * Wenn |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: el
# language: el
' language: el
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: el
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Και |
Background | Υπόβαθρο |
But | * Αλλά |
Examples | Παραδείγματα Σενάρια |
Feature | Δυνατότητα Λειτουργία |
Given | * Δεδομένου |
Scenario | Παράδειγμα Σενάριο |
ScenarioOutline | Περίγραμμα Σεναρίου Περιγραφή Σεναρίου |
Then | * Τότε |
When | * Όταν |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: gj
# language: gj
' language: gj
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: gj
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * અને |
Background | બેકગ્રાઉન્ડ |
But | * પણ |
Examples | ઉદાહરણો |
Feature | ક્ષમતા લક્ષણ વ્યાપાર જરૂર |
Given | * આપેલ છે |
Scenario | ઉદાહરણ સ્થિતિ |
ScenarioOutline | પરિદ્દશ્ય ઢાંચો પરિદ્દશ્ય રૂપરેખા |
Then | * પછી |
When | * ક્યારે |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: he
# language: he
' language: he
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: he
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * וגם |
Background | רקע |
But | * אבל |
Examples | דוגמאות |
Feature | תכונה |
Given | * בהינתן |
Scenario | דוגמא תרחיש |
ScenarioOutline | תבנית תרחיש |
Then | * אז אזי |
When | * כאשר |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: hi
# language: hi
' language: hi
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: hi
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * और तथा |
Background | पृष्ठभूमि |
But | * किन्तु पर परन्तु |
Examples | उदाहरण |
Feature | रूप लेख |
Given | * अगर चूंकि यदि |
Scenario | परिदृश्य |
ScenarioOutline | परिदृश्य रूपरेखा |
Then | * तदा तब |
When | * कदा जब |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: hu
# language: hu
' language: hu
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: hu
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * És |
Background | Háttér |
But | * De |
Examples | Példák |
Feature | Jellemző |
Given | * Adott Amennyiben |
Scenario | Forgatókönyv Példa |
ScenarioOutline | Forgatókönyv vázlat |
Then | * Akkor |
When | * Amikor Ha Majd |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: is
# language: is
' language: is
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: is
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Og |
Background | Bakgrunnur |
But | * En |
Examples | Atburðarásir Dæmi |
Feature | Eiginleiki |
Given | * Ef |
Scenario | Atburðarás |
ScenarioOutline | Lýsing Atburðarásar Lýsing Dæma |
Then | * Þá |
When | * Þegar |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: id
# language: id
' language: id
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: id
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Dan |
Background | Dasar |
But | * Tapi |
Examples | Contoh |
Feature | Fitur |
Given | * Dengan |
Scenario | Skenario |
ScenarioOutline | Skenario konsep |
Then | * Maka |
When | * Ketika |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ga
# language: ga
' language: ga
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ga
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Agus |
Background | Cúlra |
But | * Ach |
Examples | Samplaí |
Feature | Gné |
Given | * Cuir i gcás go Cuir i gcás gur Cuir i gcás nach Cuir i gcás nár |
Scenario | Cás Sampla |
ScenarioOutline | Cás Achomair |
Then | * Ansin |
When | * Nuair a Nuair ba Nuair nach Nuair nár |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: it
# language: it
' language: it
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: it
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * E |
Background | Contesto |
But | * Ma |
Examples | Esempi |
Feature | Funzionalità |
Given | * Data Date Dati Dato |
Scenario | Esempio Scenario |
ScenarioOutline | Schema dello scenario |
Then | * Allora |
When | * Quando |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ja
# language: ja
' language: ja
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ja
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * かつ |
Background | 背景 |
But | * しかし ただし 但し |
Examples | サンプル 例 |
Feature | フィーチャ 機能 |
Given | * 前提 |
Scenario | シナリオ |
ScenarioOutline | シナリオアウトライン シナリオテンプレ シナリオテンプレート テンプレ |
Then | * ならば |
When | * もし |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: jv
# language: jv
' language: jv
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: jv
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Lan |
Background | Dasar |
But | * Ananging Nanging Tapi |
Examples | Conto Contone |
Feature | Fitur |
Given | * Nalika Nalikaning |
Scenario | Skenario |
ScenarioOutline | Konsep skenario |
Then | * Banjur Njuk |
When | * Manawa Menawa |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: kn
# language: kn
' language: kn
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: kn
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * ಮತ್ತು |
Background | ಹಿನ್ನೆಲೆ |
But | * ಆದರೆ |
Examples | ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗಳು |
Feature | ಹೆಚ್ಚಳ |
Given | * ನೀಡಿದ |
Scenario | ಉದಾಹರಣೆ ಕಥಾಸಾರಾಂಶ |
ScenarioOutline | ವಿವರಣೆ |
Then | * ನಂತರ |
When | * ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯನ್ನು |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: tlh
# language: tlh
' language: tlh
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: tlh
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * 'ej latlh |
Background | mo' |
But | * 'a 'ach |
Examples | ghantoH lutmey |
Feature | laH perbogh poQbogh malja' Qap Qu'meH 'ut |
Given | * DaH ghu' bejlu' ghu' noblu' |
Scenario | lut |
ScenarioOutline | lut chovnatlh |
Then | * vaj |
When | * qaSDI' |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ko
# language: ko
' language: ko
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ko
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * 그리고 |
Background | 배경 |
But | * 단 하지만 |
Examples | 예 |
Feature | 기능 |
Given | * 먼저 조건 |
Scenario | 시나리오 |
ScenarioOutline | 시나리오 개요 |
Then | * 그러면 |
When | * 만약 만일 |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: lv
# language: lv
' language: lv
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: lv
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Un |
Background | Konteksts Situācija |
But | * Bet |
Examples | Paraugs Piemēri |
Feature | Fīča Funkcionalitāte |
Given | * Kad |
Scenario | Piemērs Scenārijs |
ScenarioOutline | Scenārijs pēc parauga |
Then | * Tad |
When | * Ja |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: lt
# language: lt
' language: lt
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: lt
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Ir |
Background | Kontekstas |
But | * Bet |
Examples | Pavyzdžiai Scenarijai Variantai |
Feature | Savybė |
Given | * Duota |
Scenario | Pavyzdys Scenarijus |
ScenarioOutline | Scenarijaus šablonas |
Then | * Tada |
When | * Kai |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: en-lol
# language: en-lol
' language: en-lol
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: en-lol
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * AN |
Background | B4 |
But | * BUT |
Examples | EXAMPLZ |
Feature | OH HAI |
Given | * I CAN HAZ |
Scenario | MISHUN |
ScenarioOutline | MISHUN SRSLY |
Then | * DEN |
When | * WEN |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: lu
# language: lu
' language: lu
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: lu
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * a an |
Background | Hannergrond |
But | * awer mä |
Examples | Beispiller |
Feature | Funktionalitéit |
Given | * ugeholl |
Scenario | Beispill Szenario |
ScenarioOutline | Plang vum Szenario |
Then | * dann |
When | * wann |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: mk-Cyrl
# language: mk-Cyrl
' language: mk-Cyrl
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: mk-Cyrl
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * И |
Background | Контекст Содржина |
But | * Но |
Examples | Примери Сценарија |
Feature | Бизнис потреба Можност Функционалност |
Given | * Дадена Дадено |
Scenario | На пример Пример Сценарио |
ScenarioOutline | Концепт Преглед на сценарија Скица |
Then | * Тогаш |
When | * Кога |
Macedonian (Latin) (Makedonski (Latinica))

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: mk-Latn
# language: mk-Latn
' language: mk-Latn
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: mk-Latn
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * I |
Background | Kontekst Sodrzhina |
But | * No |
Examples | Primeri Scenaria |
Feature | Biznis potreba Funkcionalnost Mozhnost |
Given | * Dadena Dadeno |
Scenario | Na primer Scenario |
ScenarioOutline | Koncept Pregled na scenarija Skica |
Then | * Togash |
When | * Koga |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: bm
# language: bm
' language: bm
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: bm
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Dan |
Background | Latar Belakang |
But | * Tapi Tetapi |
Examples | Contoh |
Feature | Fungsi |
Given | * Bagi Diberi |
Scenario | Keadaan Senario Situasi |
ScenarioOutline | Garis Panduan Senario Kerangka Keadaan Kerangka Senario Kerangka Situasi |
Then | * Kemudian Maka |
When | * Apabila |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: mn
# language: mn
' language: mn
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: mn
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Мөн Тэгээд |
Background | Агуулга |
But | * Гэхдээ Харин |
Examples | Тухайлбал |
Feature | Функц Функционал |
Given | * Анх Өгөгдсөн нь |
Scenario | Сценар |
ScenarioOutline | Сценарын төлөвлөгөө |
Then | * Тэгэхэд Үүний дараа |
When | * Хэрэв |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: no
# language: no
' language: no
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: no
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Og |
Background | Bakgrunn |
But | * Men |
Examples | Eksempler |
Feature | Egenskap |
Given | * Gitt |
Scenario | Eksempel Scenario |
ScenarioOutline | Abstrakt Scenario Scenariomal |
Then | * Så |
When | * Når |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: en-old
# language: en-old
' language: en-old
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: en-old
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * 7 Ond |
Background | Aer Ær |
But | * Ac |
Examples | Se ðe Se the Se þe |
Feature | Hwaet Hwæt |
Given | * Ðurh Thurh Þurh |
Scenario | Swa |
ScenarioOutline | Swa hwaer swa Swa hwær swa |
Then | * Ða Ða ðe Tha Þa Tha the Þa þe |
When | * Ða Tha Þa |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: pa
# language: pa
' language: pa
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: pa
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * ਅਤੇ |
Background | ਪਿਛੋਕੜ |
But | * ਪਰ |
Examples | ਉਦਾਹਰਨਾਂ |
Feature | ਖਾਸੀਅਤ ਨਕਸ਼ ਨੁਹਾਰ ਮੁਹਾਂਦਰਾ |
Given | * ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਜੇਕਰ |
Scenario | ਉਦਾਹਰਨ ਪਟਕਥਾ |
ScenarioOutline | ਪਟਕਥਾ ਢਾਂਚਾ ਪਟਕਥਾ ਰੂਪ ਰੇਖਾ |
Then | * ਤਦ |
When | * ਜਦੋਂ |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: fa
# language: fa
' language: fa
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: fa
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * و |
Background | زمینه |
But | * اما |
Examples | نمونه ها |
Feature | وِیژگی |
Given | * با فرض |
Scenario | سناریو مثال |
ScenarioOutline | الگوی سناریو |
Then | * آنگاه |
When | * هنگامی |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: en-pirate
# language: en-pirate
' language: en-pirate
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: en-pirate
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Aye |
Background | Yo-ho-ho |
But | * Avast! |
Examples | Dead men tell no tales |
Feature | Ahoy matey! |
Given | * Gangway! |
Scenario | Heave to |
ScenarioOutline | Shiver me timbers |
Then | * Let go and haul |
When | * Blimey! |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: pl
# language: pl
' language: pl
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: pl
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * I Oraz |
Background | Założenia |
But | * Ale |
Examples | Przykłady |
Feature | Aspekt Funkcja Potrzeba biznesowa Właściwość |
Given | * Mając Zakładając Zakładając, że |
Scenario | Przykład Scenariusz |
ScenarioOutline | Szablon scenariusza |
Then | * Wtedy |
When | * Gdy Jeśli Jeżeli Kiedy |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: pt
# language: pt
' language: pt
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: pt
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * E |
Background | Cenario de Fundo Cenário de Fundo Contexto Fundo |
But | * Mas |
Examples | Cenarios Cenários Exemplos |
Feature | Caracteristica Característica Funcionalidade |
Given | * Dada Dadas Dado Dados |
Scenario | Cenario Cenário Exemplo |
ScenarioOutline | Delineacao do Cenario Delineação do Cenário Esquema do Cenario Esquema do Cenário |
Then | * Entao Então |
When | * Quando |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ro
# language: ro
' language: ro
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ro
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Si Şi Și |
Background | Context |
But | * Dar |
Examples | Exemple |
Feature | Functionalitate Funcţionalitate Funcționalitate |
Given | * Dat fiind Dată fiind Date fiind Dati fiind Daţi fiind Dați fiind |
Scenario | Exemplu Scenariu |
ScenarioOutline | Structura scenariu Structură scenariu |
Then | * Atunci |
When | * Cand Când |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ru
# language: ru
' language: ru
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ru
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * И К тому же Также |
Background | Контекст Предыстория |
But | * А Иначе Но |
Examples | Примеры |
Feature | Свойство Функционал Функциональность Функция |
Given | * Дано Допустим Пусть |
Scenario | Пример Сценарий |
ScenarioOutline | Структура сценария |
Then | * Затем То Тогда |
When | * Если Когда |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: en-Scouse
# language: en-Scouse
' language: en-Scouse
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: en-Scouse
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * An |
Background | Dis is what went down |
But | * Buh |
Examples | Examples |
Feature | Feature |
Given | * Givun Youse know when youse got |
Scenario | The thing of it is |
ScenarioOutline | Wharrimean is |
Then | * Den youse gotta Dun |
When | * Wun Youse know like when |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: sr-Cyrl
# language: sr-Cyrl
' language: sr-Cyrl
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: sr-Cyrl
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * И |
Background | Контекст Основа Позадина |
But | * Али |
Examples | Примери Сценарији |
Feature | Могућност Особина Функционалност |
Given | * За дате За дати За дато |
Scenario | Пример Пример Сценарио |
ScenarioOutline | Концепт Скица Структура сценарија |
Then | * Онда |
When | * Кад Када |
Serbian (Latin) (Srpski (Latinica))

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: sr-Latn
# language: sr-Latn
' language: sr-Latn
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: sr-Latn
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * I |
Background | Kontekst Osnova Pozadina |
But | * Ali |
Examples | Primeri Scenariji |
Feature | Funkcionalnost Mogucnost Mogućnost Osobina |
Given | * Za date Za dati Za dato |
Scenario | Primer Scenario |
ScenarioOutline | Koncept Skica Struktura scenarija |
Then | * Onda |
When | * Kad Kada |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: sk
# language: sk
' language: sk
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: sk
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * A A taktiež A tiež A zároveň |
Background | Pozadie |
But | * Ale |
Examples | Príklady |
Feature | Funkcia Požiadavka Vlastnosť |
Given | * Pokiaľ Za predpokladu |
Scenario | Príklad Scenár |
ScenarioOutline | Náčrt Scenára Náčrt Scenáru Osnova Scenára |
Then | * Potom Tak |
When | * Ak Keď |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: sl
# language: sl
' language: sl
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: sl
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | In Ter |
Background | Kontekst Osnova Ozadje |
But | Ampak Toda Vendar |
Examples | Primeri Scenariji |
Feature | Funkcija Funkcionalnost Lastnost Moznosti Možnosti Značilnost |
Given | Dano Podano Privzeto Zaradi |
Scenario | Primer Scenarij |
ScenarioOutline | Koncept Oris scenarija Osnutek Skica Struktura scenarija |
Then | Nato Potem Takrat |
When | Ce Če Kadar Ko |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: es
# language: es
' language: es
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: es
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * E Y |
Background | Antecedentes |
But | * Pero |
Examples | Ejemplos |
Feature | Característica |
Given | * Dada Dadas Dado Dados |
Scenario | Ejemplo Escenario |
ScenarioOutline | Esquema del escenario |
Then | * Entonces |
When | * Cuando |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: sv
# language: sv
' language: sv
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: sv
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Och |
Background | Bakgrund |
But | * Men |
Examples | Exempel |
Feature | Egenskap |
Given | * Givet |
Scenario | Scenario |
ScenarioOutline | Abstrakt Scenario Scenariomall |
Then | * Så |
When | * När |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ta
# language: ta
' language: ta
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ta
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * மற்றும் மேலும் |
Background | பின்னணி |
But | * ஆனால் |
Examples | எடுத்துக்காட்டுகள் காட்சிகள் நிலைமைகளில் |
Feature | அம்சம் திறன் வணிக தேவை |
Given | * கொடுக்கப்பட்ட |
Scenario | உதாரணமாக காட்சி |
ScenarioOutline | காட்சி சுருக்கம் காட்சி வார்ப்புரு |
Then | * அப்பொழுது |
When | * எப்போது |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: tt
# language: tt
' language: tt
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: tt
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Вә Һәм |
Background | Кереш |
But | * Әмма Ләкин |
Examples | Мисаллар Үрнәкләр |
Feature | Мөмкинлек Үзенчәлеклелек |
Given | * Әйтик |
Scenario | Сценарий |
ScenarioOutline | Сценарийның төзелеше |
Then | * Нәтиҗәдә |
When | * Әгәр |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: tl
# language: tl
' language: tl
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: tl
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * మరియు |
Background | నేపథ్యం |
But | * కాని |
Examples | ఉదాహరణలు |
Feature | గుణము |
Given | * చెప్పబడినది |
Scenario | ఉదాహరణ సన్నివేశం |
ScenarioOutline | కథనం |
Then | * అప్పుడు |
When | * ఈ పరిస్థితిలో |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: th
# language: th
' language: th
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: th
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * และ |
Background | แนวคิด |
But | * แต่ |
Examples | ชุดของเหตุการณ์ ชุดของตัวอย่าง |
Feature | โครงหลัก ความต้องการทางธุรกิจ ความสามารถ |
Given | * กำหนดให้ |
Scenario | เหตุการณ์ |
ScenarioOutline | โครงสร้างของเหตุการณ์ สรุปเหตุการณ์ |
Then | * ดังนั้น |
When | * เมื่อ |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: tr
# language: tr
' language: tr
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: tr
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Ve |
Background | Geçmiş |
But | * Ama Fakat |
Examples | Örnekler |
Feature | Özellik |
Given | * Diyelim ki |
Scenario | Örnek Senaryo |
ScenarioOutline | Senaryo taslağı |
Then | * O zaman |
When | * Eğer ki |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: uk
# language: uk
' language: uk
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: uk
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * А також І Та |
Background | Передумова |
But | * Але |
Examples | Приклади |
Feature | Функціонал |
Given | * Дано Нехай Припустимо Припустимо, що |
Scenario | Приклад Сценарій |
ScenarioOutline | Структура сценарію |
Then | * То Тоді |
When | * Коли Якщо |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: ur
# language: ur
' language: ur
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: ur
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * اور |
Background | پس منظر |
But | * لیکن |
Examples | مثالیں |
Feature | خصوصیت صلاحیت کاروبار کی ضرورت |
Given | * اگر بالفرض فرض کیا |
Scenario | منظرنامہ |
ScenarioOutline | منظر نامے کا خاکہ |
Then | * پھر تب |
When | * جب |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: uz
# language: uz
' language: uz
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: uz
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Ва |
Background | Тарих |
But | * Аммо Бирок Лекин |
Examples | Мисоллар |
Feature | Функционал |
Given | * Агар |
Scenario | Сценарий |
ScenarioOutline | Сценарий структураси |
Then | * Унда |
When | * Агар |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: vi
# language: vi
' language: vi
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: vi
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * Và |
Background | Bối cảnh |
But | * Nhưng |
Examples | Dữ liệu |
Feature | Tính năng |
Given | * Biết Cho |
Scenario | Kịch bản Tình huống |
ScenarioOutline | Khung kịch bản Khung tình huống |
Then | * Thì |
When | * Khi |

To use keywords on this language, set the following comment at the beginning of a feature file:
JavaScript, JScript
// language: cy-GB
# language: cy-GB
' language: cy-GB
// DelphiScript doesn't support BDD.
C++Script, C#Script
// language: cy-GB
Keyword | Native-language analogue(s) |
And | * A |
Background | Cefndir |
But | * Ond |
Examples | Enghreifftiau |
Feature | Arwedd |
Given | * Anrhegedig a |
Scenario | Enghraifft Scenario |
ScenarioOutline | Scenario Amlinellol |
Then | * Yna |
When | * Pryd |