Checking the Current Browser

Applies to TestComplete 15.71, last modified on February 05, 2025

In some cases, when performing a cross-browser test, you may need to know in what browser your test is currently being executed. This can be helpful, for example, when handling browser-specific issues and differences.

This topic describes how to determine which browser is currently used:

Tip: To obtain the Browser process that corresponds to the current browser, either call the Sys.Browser() or Sys.WaitBrowser() methods or use the Aliases.browser mapped name.

Checking the Current Browser in Keyword Tests

To check the current browser in keyword tests, use the If Browser operation. It compares the current browser with the browser name specified at design time and executes child operations on success. To perform actions when the condition of the If Browser operation evaluates to False, insert the Else operation right after the If Browser operation.

Handling browser-specific windows.

Checking the Current Browser in Scripts

To obtain information about the current browser in scripts, use the Browsers.CurrentBrowser property. It returns the BrowserInfo object that indicates the browser which is currently used in the web test. By reading the sub-properties of the Browsers.CurrentBrowser object, you check the family name, version and executable type of the current browser.

Checking the browser’s family name

The following code snippet checks the browser’s family name and performs test actions that are specific to Internet Explorer:

JavaScript, JScript

if (Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Family == Browsers.btIExplorer)
  // Handle Active Content Notification in Internet Explorer


if (Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Family == Browsers.btIExplorer):
  # Handle Active Content Notification in Internet Explorer


If Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Family = Browsers.btIExplorer Then 
  ' Handle Active Content Notification in Internet Explorer
End If


if Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Family = Browsers.btIExplorer then
  // Handle Active Content Notification in Internet Explorer

C++Script, C#Script

if (Browsers["CurrentBrowser"]["Family"] == Browsers["btIExplorer"])
  // Handle Active Content Notification in Internet Explorer

Checking the browser’s platform

The code below checks whether a 32-bit or a 64-bit browser version was launched:

JavaScript, JScript

function CheckIEPlatform()
  if (Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Platform == Browsers.pX86)
    Log.Message("You are using a 32-bit version of Internet Explorer.");
    Log.Message("You are using a 64-bit version of Internet Explorer.");


def CheckIEPlatform():
  if (Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Platform == Browsers.pX86):
    Log.Message("You are using a 32-bit version of Internet Explorer.");
    Log.Message("You are using a 64-bit version of Internet Explorer.");


Sub CheckIEPlatform
  If Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Platform = Browsers.pX86 Then
    Log.Message("You are using a 32-bit version of Internet Explorer.")
    Log.Message("You are using a 64-bit version of Internet Explorer.")
  End If
End Sub


procedure CheckIEPlatform;
  if Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Platform = Browsers.pX86 then
    Log.Message('You are using a 32-bit version of Internet Explorer.')
    Log.Message('You are using a 64-bit version of Internet Explorer.');

C++Script, C#Script

function CheckIEPlatform()
  if (Browsers["CurrentBrowser"].Platform == Browsers["pX86"])
    Log["Message"]("You are using a 32-bit version of Internet Explorer.");
    Log["Message"]("You are using a 64-bit version of Internet Explorer.");

Checking the browser’s family name and version

The following code displays a warning message when the test starts running in Internet Explorer 9 or earlier:

JavaScript, JScript

function CheckIEVer()
  if ((Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Family == btIExplorer) &&
      (Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Version.MajorPart < 11))
    Log.Warning("You are using an outdated version of Internet Explorer.")


function CheckIEVer():
  if ((Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Family == btIExplorer) and
      (Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Version.MajorPart < 11)):
    Log.Warning("You are using an outdated version of Internet Explorer.");


Sub CheckIEVer
  If Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Family = btIExplorer Then
    If Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Version.MajorPart < 11 Then
      Log.Warning("You are using an outdated version of Internet Explorer.")
    End If
  End If
End Sub


procedure CheckIEVer;
  if (Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Family = btIExplorer) and
     (Browsers.CurrentBrowser.Version.MajorPart < 11) then
    Log.Warning('You are using an outdated version of Internet Explorer.');

C++Script, C#Script

function CheckIEVer()
  if ((Browsers["CurrentBrowser"]["Family"] == btIExplorer) &&
      (Browsers["CurrentBrowser"]["Version"]["MajorPart"] < 11))
    Log["Warning"]("You are using an outdated version of Internet Explorer.")

See Also

About Cross-Browser Testing in TestComplete
Running Tests in Multiple Browsers
Handling Browser Differences
Check if Browser Is Running

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