Desktop Application samples demonstrate an Open Application, called Orders, created with different compilers. This application allows you to work with a table of purchase orders: you can view a list of existing orders, add new orders to this list, as well as modify or remove the existing ones.
Each Orders application is accompanied with a TestComplete test project that is specific to the application’s programming language. The TestComplete project simply runs the appropriate Orders version, loads the table of orders from a .tbl
file, modifies an existing order in this table, creates a new order and closes the sample application.
These samples are a part of the additional sample package. To use them, download this package from and install it.
After the installation is over, you can find the samples in the <TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders folder.
The sample projects are organized by program language and libraries:
Microsoft Visual C#
Microsoft Visual C#
Microsoft Visual C#TestComplete project suites for the C# sample
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\C#\TCProjects
Tip: |
This is a built-in TestComplete sample project. You can open it from the Start Page. The project for JavaScript includes both the sample Keyword test and Script test, that demonstrate the same user actions with the tested application. |
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\C#\Orders_VS2012.sln
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\C#\Orders_VS2010.sln
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\C#\Orders_VS2008.sln
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\C#\Orders_VS2005.sln
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.x
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\C#\Orders.sln
Microsoft Visual C# (WPF)
Microsoft Visual C# (WPF)
Microsoft Visual C# (WPF)Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\WPF\Orders_VS2008.sln
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\WPF\Orders_VS2010.sln
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\WPF\Orders_VS2012.sln
TestComplete project suites for the WPF sample
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\WPF\TCProjects
Microsoft Visual C# (WPF3D)
Microsoft Visual C# (WPF3D)
Microsoft Visual C# (WPF3D)Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\WPF3D\Orders_VS2008.sln
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\WPF3D\Orders_VS2010.sln
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\WPF3D\Orders_VS2012.sln
TestComplete project suites for the WPF3D sample
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\WPF3D\TCProjects
Microsoft Visual C++
Microsoft Visual C++
Microsoft Visual C++Microsoft Visual C++
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\MSVC
TestComplete project suites for the Visual C++ sample
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\MSVC\TCProjects
Microsoft Visual C++ (Qt)
Microsoft Visual C++ (Qt)
Microsoft Visual C++ (Qt)Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\Qt\Orders_VS2010.sln
To compile and run this example, you must have one of the supported Qt versions installed. Currently, versions 5 and 6 are supported.
Also, the sample application requires the QtNCore.dll, QtNGui.dll, and QtNWidgets.dll libraries, where N is your Qt version. These libraries are part of Qt and are not shipped with TestComplete. So, to run the application you need to do any of the following:
- Copy the mentioned libraries from the <Qt>\<version>\bin folder to the folder containing the application executable (Orders.exe).
– or –
- Add the <Qt>\<version>\bin folder to the
environment variable.
TestComplete project suites for the Visual C++ (Qt) sample
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\Qt\TCProjects
Java Swing
Java Swing
Java SwingJava Swing project
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\Swing
To compile this example, run compile.bat kept in the example’s folder. To run the example, launch run.bat in this folder.
Note that to compile the example, you must have JDK v. 1.2 or later installed on your computer. Also, you may need to specify a path to javac.exe in the first line of compile.bat.
TestComplete project suites for the Java Swing sample
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\Swing\TCProjects
Borland Delphi
Borland Delphi
Borland DelphiDelphi project
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\Delphi
TestComplete project suites for the Delphi sample
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\Delphi\TCProjects
OrdersDemo - Text Recognition Service version
OrdersDemo - Text Recognition Service version
OrdersDemo - Text Recognition Service versionApplication
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\TextRecognitionService
TestComplete project suites for the Text Recognition Service sample
<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Orders\TextRecognitionService\TCProjects