
The TestedApp.Size property returns the size (in bytes) of the executable or batch file of the given tested application.



Read-Only Property Integer
TestedAppObj An expression, variable or parameter that specifies a reference to a TestedApp object

Applies To

The property is applied to the following object:

Property Value

The integer that means the size of the application’s executable or batch file.


The following code obtains information on the tested applications and posts it to the test log:

JavaScript, JScript

function Test()

  var TestApp, Count, i, Name, Path, Date, Time, Size;

  Count = TestedApps.Count;
  if (Count > 0)
    Log.AppendFolder("The project contains the following tested applications:");
    for (i = 0; i < Count; i++)
      // Obtains the tested application
      TestApp = TestedApps.Items(i);
      // Obtains the tested application’s name
      Name = TestApp.ItemName;
      // Obtains the full file name of the tested application
      Path = "File: " + TestApp.FullFileName;
      // Obtains the date of the tested application’s last modification
      Date = "Date: " + aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(TestApp.Date, "%m/%d/%Y");
      // Obtains the time of the tested application’s last modification
      Time = "Time: " + aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(TestApp.Time, "%H:%M:%S");
      // Obtains the size of the tested application
      Size = "Size: " + aqConvert.IntToStr(TestApp.Size) + " bytes";
      // Posts information on the tested application to the test log
      Log.Message(Name, Path + "\r\n" + Date + "\r\n" + Time + "\r\n" + Size)




def Test():
  Count = TestedApps.Count
  if Count > 0:
    Log.AppendFolder("The project contains the following tested applications:")
    for i in range(0, Count):
      # Obtains the tested application 
      TestApp = TestedApps.Items[i]
      # Obtains the tested application's name 
      Name = TestApp.ItemName
      # Obtains the full file name of the tested application 
      Path = "File: " + TestApp.FullFileName
      # Obtains the date of the tested application's last modification 
      Date = "Date: " + aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(TestApp.Date, "%m/%d/%Y")
      # Obtains the time of the tested application's last modification 
      Time = "Time: " + aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(TestApp.Time, "%H:%M:%S");
      # Obtains the size of the tested application 
      Size = "Size: " + aqConvert.IntToStr(TestApp.Size) + " bytes";
      # Posts information on the tested application to the test log 
      Log.Message(Name, Path + "\r\n" + Date + "\r\n" + Time + "\r\n" + Size)


Sub Test

  Dim TestApp, Count, i, Name, Path, Date, Time, Size

  Count = TestedApps.Count
  If Count > 0 Then
    Log.AppendFolder("The project contains the following tested applications:")
    For i = 0 To Count - 1

      ' Obtains the tested application
      Set TestApp = TestedApps.Items(i)
      ' Obtains the tested application’s name
      Name = TestApp.ItemName
      ' Obtains the full file name of the tested application
      Path = "File: " & TestApp.FullFileName
      ' Obtains the date of the tested application’s last modification
      Date = "Date: " & aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(TestApp.Date, "%m/%d/%Y")
      ' Obtains the time of the tested application’s last modification
      Time = "Time: " & aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(TestApp.Time, "%H:%M:%S")
      ' Obtains the size of the tested application
      Size = "Size: " & aqConvert.IntToStr(TestApp.Size) & " bytes"
      ' Posts information on the tested application to the test log
      Call Log.Message(Name, Path & vbCrLf & Date & vbCrLf & Time & vbCrLf & Size)

  End If

End Sub


procedure Test();
var TestApp, Count, i, Name, Path, Date, Time, Size;


  Count := TestedApps.Count;
  if Count > 0 then
    Log.AppendFolder('The project contains the following tested applications:');
    for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
      // Obtains the tested application
      TestApp := TestedApps.Items(i);
      // Obtains the tested application’s name
      Name := TestApp.ItemName;
      // Obtains the full file name of the tested application
      Path := 'File: ' + TestApp.FullFileName;
      // Obtains the date of the tested application’s last modification
      Date := 'Date: ' + aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(TestApp.Date, '%m/%d/%Y');
      // Obtains the time of the tested application’s last modification
      Time := 'Time: ' + aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(TestApp.Time, '%H:%M:%S');
      // Obtains the size of the tested application
      Size := 'Size: ' + aqConvert.IntToStr(TestApp.Size) + ' bytes';
      // Posts information on the tested application to the test log
      Log.Message(Name, Path + #13#10 + Date + #13#10 + Time + #13#10 + Size)



C++Script, C#Script

function Test()

  var TestApp, Count, i, Name, Path, Date, Time, Size;

  Count = TestedApps["Count"];
  if (Count > 0)
    Log["AppendFolder"]("The project contains the following tested applications:");
    for (i = 0; i < Count; i++)
      // Obtains the tested application
      TestApp = TestedApps["Items"](i);
      // Obtains the tested application’s name
      Name = TestApp["ItemName"];
      // Obtains the full file name of the tested application
      Path = "File: " + TestApp["FullFileName"];
      // Obtains the date of the tested application’s last modification
      Date = "Date: " + aqConvert["DateTimeToFormatStr"](TestApp["Date"], "%m/%d/%Y");
      // Obtains the time of the tested application’s last modification
      Time = "Time: " + aqConvert["DateTimeToFormatStr"](TestApp["Time"], "%H:%M:%S");
      // Obtains the size of the tested application
      Size = "Size: " + aqConvert["IntToStr"](TestApp["Size"]) + " bytes";
      // Posts information on the tested application to the test log
      Log["Message"](Name, Path + "\r\n" + Date + "\r\n" + Time + "\r\n" + Size)



See Also

Path Property
ItemName Property
Time Property
Date Property

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