Edit Criteria for Finding Device Dialog

Applies to TestComplete 15.53, last modified on August 07, 2023

In the Edit Criteria for Finding Device dialog, you specify criteria that TestComplete uses to find a suitable mobile device in the BitBar device cloud to run a test on if the device that you have selected when creating a test is not available.

Edit Criteria for Finding Device dialog

Click the image to enlarge it.

To call the dialog

Click Edit iOS Criteria or Edit Android Criteria on the Project Properties > Device Cloud > Mobile page of a project or in the Default Project Properties dialog.

To specify the criteria

The search criteria can include one or several conditions combined with the AND operation.

To add a criterion
  1. Click AND.

  2. From the left drop-down, select one of the supported criteria:

    • Device Group
    • Device Name
    • Manufacturer
    • Location
    • Os Version
    • Major Os Version
    • Screen Width
    • Screen Height
    • Instruction Set
    • CPU
    • GPU
  3. Select the condition.

  4. Specify the baseline value. Depending on the selected criterion, you can either type in the value manually or select the value from the drop-down list.

TestComplete will use the specified criteria to search for a suitable device if:

– or –

To delete a criterion

Click .

See Also

Project Properties - Mobile Options
Connecting to Mobile Devices and Opening Testing Sessions

Highlight search results