Instrument iOS Application Wizard

Applies to TestComplete 15.53, last modified on August 07, 2023

This wizard assists you in instrumenting iOS applications that have already been added to the Tested Applications collection of your project. This could be useful, for example, in the following cases:

  • you have replaced the instrumented version of the application with its newer version.
  • you have earlier added an unprepared application and then decided to instrument it for object-based testing.

The wizard is called when you press the Instrument button in the Tested Apps editor.

The wizard consists of several pages:

Select the .ipa File to be Instrumented

On this page of the wizard, you can specify the path to the application to be instrumented.

In the iOS application package file text box, specify the path to the iOS application package. You can enter the path manually or click the button and browse for the desired file.

You can control the format of the path to the application’s package file on the local computer. The target path can be specified as an absolute path, a relative path or by using environment variables (if the path includes any standard system path for which environment variables are set). Click the drop-down button in the desired text box and choose the needed representation from the drop-down list.

The application’s .ipa file must be stored on the local computer (where TestComplete is installed) or in a network share.

Back Up the Original .ipa File

Since the instrumentation cannot be undone, we recommend that you make a backup of the original version of your application.

The page suggests creating a backup copy of the application and specifying a location where it will be stored.

Instrument Your iOS Application

On this page, you need to specify paths to the certificate files used to sign the application. For more information about getting these files, see Get Certificate Files (Legacy) topic.

Working with the Wizard

After specifying the needed options and parameters, click Finish to close the wizard and instrument the application. Click Cancel to close the wizard without modifying the application.

See Also

About Tested Applications
Instrumenting iOS Applications in TestComplete UI (Legacy)

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