Source Control Options Dialog

Applies to TestComplete 15.53, last modified on August 07, 2023

TestComplete has built-in integration with popular source control systems, and can also integrate with any source control system that supports Microsoft Source Code Control API (SCC API). In the Source Control Options dialog, you can select the source control system for the current project suite and change source control-related options. To open the dialog, select Tools | Options from the TestComplete main menu, then select the Source Control category on the left.

Subversion Plugin

Select this plugin to work with CollabNet Subversion (SVN) source control. For more information, see Integration With Subversion.

Subversion plugin has the following options:

  • Path to SVN - Specifies the path to the Subversion command-line executable (svn.exe). You can enter the path manually or click the ellipsis button and browse for the svn.exe file. If you do not specify the path, TestComplete will search for svn.exe in the folders listed in the PATH environment variable.

  • Use TortoiseSVN client - If you have TortoiseSVN installed, enable this option to use TortoiseSVN dialogs for source control operations. This option also adds extra source control operations. For details, see Working With TortoiseSVN Client.

Team Foundation Version Control Plugin

Select this plugin to use Team Foundation Version Control provided by Microsoft as part of Azure DevOps Services or Team Foundation Server. See Integration With Microsoft Team Foundation Version Control.

TFVC integration requires that you have Microsoft Team Explorer (either standalone or as part of Visual Studio). The Uses TFVC client box shows your installed Team Explorer version, which TestComplete uses to work with TFVC. If you have several versions of Team Explorer installed, TestComplete uses the latest version.

Git Plugin

Select this plugin to work with Git source control. See Integration With Git.

The Git plugin has the following options:

  • Path to Git - Specifies the path to the Git command-line executable (git.exe). You can enter the path manually or click the ellipsis button and browse for the git.exe file. If you do not specify the path, TestComplete will search for git.exe in the folders listed in the PATH environment variable.

  • Use TortoiseGit client - If you have TortoiseGit installed, enable this option to use TortoiseGit dialogs for source control operations. This option also adds extra source control operations. For details, see Working With TortoiseGit Client.

  • Bind new items to SCC automatically - This option affects projects and project suites that are already under source control. It specifies whether TestComplete will bind new project items and projects to source control automatically. If this option is disabled, you will need to add new items to source control manually.

Mercurial Plugin

Select this plugin to work with Mercurial source control. See Integration With Mercurial.

Mercurial plugin has the following options:

  • Path to Hg - Specifies the path to the Mercurial command-line executable (hg.exe). You can enter the path manually or click the ellipsis button and browse for the hg.exe file. If you do not specify the path, TestComplete will search for hg.exe in the folders listed in the PATH environment variable.

  • Use TortoiseHg client - If you have TortoiseHg installed, enable this option to use TortoiseHg dialogs for source control operations. This option also adds extra source control operations. For details, see Working With TortoiseHg Client.

  • Bind new items to SCC automatically - This option affects projects and project suites that are already under source control. It specifies whether TestComplete will bind new project items and projects to source control automatically. If this option is disabled, you will need to add new items to source control manually.

SCC API Providers Plugin

The SCC API Providers plugin allows you to work with any source control system that supports Microsoft Source Code Control API (SCC API). See Supported Source Control Systems Compatible With SCC API for a list of these.

The SCC API plugin is obsolete and provided for backward compatibility only. Users of Subversion, Git, Mercurial and TFVC should use the corresponding integration plugin. To learn how to switch from the SCC API plugin to the dedicated integration plugin, please see Migrating From Legacy SCC API Providers.

The SCC API Providers plugin has the following options:

  • Check out on open - Specifies whether TestComplete will automatically check out the project suite from the source control system each time you open this project suite in TestComplete. This works only if the project suite is already added to the source control system via TestComplete. See Integration With Source Control Systems via SCC API Providers (Legacy).

  • Check in on close - Specifies whether TestComplete will automatically check in the project suite to the source control system each time you close this project suite in TestComplete. This works only if the project suite is already added to the source control system via TestComplete and it is checked out when you open it. See Working With Source Control Systems.

    Note: The Check out on open and Check in on close options are ignored if TestComplete is running in Silent mode. For details, see Working With Source Control Systems in Silent Mode.

    These options are also ignored by TestExecute. It does not check out your project when opening it, nor does it check the files in when the project is closed.

  • Bind new items to SCC automatically - Specifies whether TestComplete automatically adds new projects or project items to the source control system to which the project or project suite is bound. If the project or project suite is not added to any source control system, this option has no effect. If the project suite is added to source code control, this option affects only new projects (and their child items) that are added to this project suite.

    If this option is disabled, you will need to bind each new item manually. For more information, see Adding New Elements to a Bound Project Suite (Legacy).

  • Show provider messages - Specifies whether TestComplete displays error and notification messages that it obtains from a source control system.

  • SCC provider - Using this setting, you can view and modify SCC provider options. To do this, choose the desired provider from the drop-down list and click Properties. TestComplete will open the provider-specific options dialog.

See Also

TestComplete Options
Integration With Source Control Systems

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