Global Shortcuts Dialog

Applies to TestComplete 15.53, last modified on August 07, 2023

The Global Shortcuts dialog sets keyboard shortcuts that you can use when recording or playing back a TestComplete project or a project suite, so that you could command TestComplete without moving the focus from the tested application.

To call the Global Shortcuts dialog, select Tools | Options from the main menu and then select General | Global Shortcuts from the tree displayed on the left side of the resulting Options dialog.

These inter-application shortcuts are perforce system global. They operate in all applications (pre-emptying existing shortcuts), whether or not TestComplete is in record or playback mode. Suppose, for instance, that an application uses Shift+F1 to display on-line help, and that this is the TestComplete shortcut to start recording. When TestComplete is running, pressing Shift+F1 in this application will not call the Help window; it will start TestComplete script recording.

You can change the shortcuts listed below. To enter a shortcut, click the corresponding option in the Shortcut column and then press the key combination you want to use as a new shortcut for the given option.

Action Default Shortcut Description
Low-level record Shift+F4 Starts recording a new low-level procedure based on screen coordinates.

Note: This shortcut has effect only when TestComplete is in recording mode.

Pause Shift+F10 Pauses the test run or test recording. This shortcut works in TestComplete and in Connected and Self-Testing applications.
Record Shift+F1 Starts test recording or resumes recording after pause.
Run Shift+F3 Runs the current TestComplete project or resumes the test run after a pause.
Select object Shift+Ctrl+A Selects the object under the mouse pointer in the Point and press a shortcut selection mode.
Stop Shift+F2 Stops the test run. This shortcut works in TestComplete and in Connected and Self-Testing applications.


If a global shortcut is already used by some other application and this application is started before TestComplete is launched, TestComplete is unable to use the shortcut. That is, if the shortcut is already used, you cannot enter it for an option. If the shortcut was set for an option earlier, it is displayed in the dialog, but it does not function.

In this case you can:

  • Assign another key combination to the TestComplete global shortcut in the Global Shortcuts dialog.

  • Remove the desired key combination from the application (if it supports shortcut customization) and assign it to TestComplete.

  • Launch the application, in which the desired shortcut is used, after TestComplete is launched.

See Also

TestComplete Options

Highlight search results