Supported Data Types

Applies to TestComplete 15.53, last modified on August 07, 2023
Testing web services with TestComplete is obsolete. We recommend that you use ReadyAPI, another SmartBear's automated testing tool for SOAP and REST web services.
If needed, you can run ReadyAPI tests from TestComplete.

WSDL documents that describe web services use various data types. Some of these types are not compatible with the Variant type used by TestComplete keyword tests and scripts. These data types are mapped to the Variant value that most closely matches that type. The following table describes which Variant values are used for typical data types used by WSDL documents. TestComplete also supports complex data types that contain elements of these types.

XML Scheme Data    
(in alphabetical order)
Variant Type
xsd:anyURI varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:anyType varVariant (vt_variant)
xsd:AnySimpleType varVariant (vt_variant)
xsd:Boolean varBoolean (vt_bool)
xsd:Byte varShortInt (vt_i1)
xsd:DateTime varDate (vt_date)
xsd:Decimal varDouble (vt_r8)
xsd:Double varDouble (vt_r8)
xsd:ENTITIES varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:Float varSingle (vt_r4)
xsd:ID varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:IDREF varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:IDREFS varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:Int varInteger (vt_i4)
xsd:Integer varInt64 (vt_i8)
xsd:Language varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:Long varInt64(vt_i8)
xsd:Name varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:NCName varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:NMTOKEN varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:NMTOKENS varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:NegativeInteger varInt64(vt_i8)
xsd:NonNegativeInteger     varInt64(vt_i8)
xsd:NonPositiveInteger varInt64 (vt_i8)
xsd:NormalizedString varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:PositiveInteger varInt64(vt_i8)
xsd:Short varSmallint (vt_i2)
xsd:String varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:Token varOleStr (vt_bstr)
xsd:UnsignedByte varByte (vt_ui1)
xsd:UnsignedInt varLongWord (vt_ui4)
xsd:UnsignedLong varInt64 (vt_i8)
xsd:UnsignedShort varWord (vt_ui2)

See Also

About Testing Web Services
Creating Web Service Tests
About Testing Web Services

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